PaddlePaddle / models

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模型滤波器问题 #5734

Open todesti2 opened 1 year ago

todesti2 commented 1 year ago

您好,我在替换某个卷积模块之后,出现了下面的报错,实在解决不出来 ValueError: (InvalidArgument) The number of input's channels should be equal to filter's channels groups for Op(Conv). But received: the input's channels is 704, the input's shape is [4, 704, 168, 168]; the filter's channels is 448, the filter's shape is [64, 448, 1, 1]; the groups is 1, the data_format is NCHW. The error may come from wrong data_format setting. [Hint: Expected input_channels == filter_dims[1] groups, but received input_channels:704 != filter_dims[1] * groups:448.] (at ../paddle/phi/infermeta/