PagerDuty / pdpyras

Low-level PagerDuty REST/Events API client for Python
MIT License
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Publishing wheels on PyPI #133

Open finlaysawyer opened 5 months ago

finlaysawyer commented 5 months ago

Hey :wave:

I noticed that you aren't currently publishing any wheel binaries on PyPI. If you'd be able to do this, it would really help from a platform compatibility perspective as we generally run pip install with a specific --platform and --only-binary=:all:, meaning we can only download wheels.

There's also a bunch of other advantages like a faster install and a generally more consistent / reliable experience.


Deconstrained commented 5 months ago

To make this more portable and usable to other maintainers, I will take some time to investigate possible solutions involving CircleCI (versus using Vagrant or other local virtualization solutions to build for multiple architectures). I will probably be revisiting alternate documentation hosting to GitHub pages and a CircleCI-powered documentation build, which will overlap a lot with this.