PaintLab / PixelFarm

From Vectors to (sub) Pixels, C# 2D Rendering Library
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Msdf3, Font TextureAtlas Development #55

Open prepare opened 4 years ago

prepare commented 4 years ago


I have a modified version of the originalMsdf gen.

I call it Msdf3

I optimize 'Closest edge search' by using 'closet edges lookup table bitmap'

I have implement it here...

please note that now we are in debug mode, it should be faster on release mode

All tests use Roboto font, 26 pts

1. PixelFarm's LcdEffect SubPixelRendering Atlas texture

(click on the image to see detail)


PixelFarm's LcdEffectSubPixelRendering Atlas Texture, built-time about 220ms

2. Msdf gen,C# port from original


Msdf, C# version, built-time about 7,101ms

3. a Modified version, (I call it 'Msdf3')


Msdf3, C# version, built-time about 1,096ms

Event the result images are different, but it give the acceptable glyph image, (see later)

prepare commented 4 years ago


Our version is an extension to the original technique (Msdf, see

It optimizes 'nearest-edge searching' by using 'classic scanline fill' and encode the pixel-curve data into a lookup bitmap.

Then it go to original Msdf gen phase, this time instead of checking all edges for a pixel, it use the lookup bitmap to decode edge data that are responsible for the specific bitmap.

With a given pixel, the choices are

  1. no edge for this pixel, => finish here

  2. only 1 edge for this pixel, just calculate distant from a pixel to that edge

  3. more than 1 edge, just calculate the repsonsible edges (mostly just 2-3 edges, on the corners, esp overlap edges)

so it go faster

for Msdf, see

and Msdf3, see

msdf_code_in_vs blue rect is original Msdf, and red rect is Msdf3

prepare commented 4 years ago

Closest Edge Lookup Table

Closest edge lookup table bitmap, each pixel contains encoding data of responsible edges over that pixel.

This render with 'classic scanline' technqiue.

I use my PixelFarm's Agg (Antigrain geometry, C# port) the render it.


Roboto font,Closest edge lookup table bitmap


Roboto font, Msdf output, 8 times scale up, still sharp :)

Please note that this version has some artifacts, cause by lut phase, It will be fixed later

prepare commented 4 years ago

Another glyph-B, Roboto font This shows both curve segments and line segment

msdf3_glyph_b_lut Closest edge lookup table bitmap


Roboto font, Msdf output, 8 times scale up, still sharp :)

Please note that this version has some artifacts, cause by lut phase, It will be fixed later

prepare commented 4 years ago

Closest Edge Lookup Table in the form of Bitmap

The following screen capture show the debugging session when the renderer paint each border.

closest_edge_lut we paint each border, each border encodes information about edge segment

from the picture, we save result of each step to files to examine later

These are the lut bitmaps.

please note that the actual images are too dark, I will enhance it up to see the data.

dbug_step1 1

dbug_step2 2

dbug_step3 3

dbug_step4 4

dbug_step5 5

dbug_step6 6

dbug_step7 7

dbug_step8 8

dbug_step9 9

dbug_step10 10

dbug_step11 11

dbug_step12 12

prepare commented 4 years ago

Lut creation detail

Zoom in some images.

s1 from step1, zoom 8 times from original (above)

You see that it is too dark. so I will enhance it to see the detail inside in the following pic.

the picture is zoom in 8 times, and increase brightness (100%) , increase contrast (50%) to see the detail

s1_enh1 step 1, in detail

prepare commented 4 years ago

s2_enh step 2, in detail

s_final_enh final