Pakillo / grateful

Facilitate citation of R packages
230 stars 18 forks source link

quarto supported? #30

Closed ajpelu closed 2 years ago

ajpelu commented 2 years ago

Hi @Pakillo. I love this pkg, and I use it a lot. Thanks.

Recently I'm creating new projects with quarto documents, so I would like to continue using this amazing pkg. Are you planing to include an option to also scan .qmd documents?

Pakillo commented 2 years ago

Thanks @ajpelu

I believe grateful already works with quarto documents, doesn't it? I just tried with a simple example. You can use it exactly as you did with Rmarkdown (see

But please let us know if you still find problems


ajpelu commented 2 years ago

Hi @Pakillo You are right!! I just checked that I was using an older version of the grateful package (beginner error).

I have tested now and it works perfectly.

Thanks a lot!!

ajpelu commented 1 year ago

Hi @Pakillo again with this issue.

When I use it in quarto, I need to put #| results: asis in the chunk to generate the correct way to write the references in paragraph way. For instance:

#| echo: false
#| results: asis
grateful::cite_packages(output = "paragraph", out.dir = ".")

gives me the correct way. Maybe it's worthy to include some notes on the readme about that. Thanks again

Pakillo commented 1 year ago

Thanks Antonio

Do you have the most recent version of {grateful}? The need to specify result: asis was removed >1 year ago. Just checked the example Quarto document here and it worked.

But maybe there's something else going on. Please let me know after updating


ajpelu commented 1 year ago

Hi @Pakillo, Thanks!! After update it works without results: asis. Sorry again Cheers

Pakillo commented 1 year ago

Perfect! Thanks for checking