Pakillo / grateful

Facilitate citation of R packages
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some packages not generating citations #44

Closed jkylearmstrong closed 6 months ago

jkylearmstrong commented 6 months ago

Here is a reproducible example, some packages such as survival or future are not generating citations. I'm not sure if the error is because they have multiple citations? I looked at get_citation_and_citekey and add_citekey both give outputs

title: "example"
  - grateful-refs.bib
format: pdf

grateful:::add_citekey('survival', citation(package = "survival"))
grateful::cite_packages(output = "paragraph",
                        out.dir = here::here(),
                        omit = NULL,
                        include.RStudio = F,
                        passive.voice = T)

Pakillo commented 6 months ago

Hi @jkylearmstrong

Thanks for the reprex. This in fact looks like a bug in how citation keys are parsed here. In particular, citation keys containing a '-' (like those for future 'RJ-2021-048' or survival package 'survival-package') are missed.

I think changing the regex to '{[\w-]+,$' could fix it, but need to make sure it works fine in all cases (comments/suggestions/alternatives welcome). I'll push a fix asap


jkylearmstrong commented 6 months ago

You would probably know better than I, my regex is horrible! :)

Pakillo commented 6 months ago

Should be fixed now (v 0.2.9). Please let me know if you still find problems. Thanks for reporting!

jkylearmstrong commented 5 months ago

@Pakillo - tested with the github version and it seems to work for the survival package. Thanks for putting this together! very helpful!

Pakillo commented 5 months ago

Great! Thanks for checking. Happy citing!