PalEON-Project / Composition_Climate

Shifts in forest tree genera since EuroAmerican settlement.
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Definition of range #7

Closed andydawson closed 8 years ago

andydawson commented 8 years ago

I think that the use of the word range should be clarified. Is it extent, or is it just the grid cells with presence?

For range area I think it is the number of cells with presence multiplied by cell area. Is this correct? If so, then are cells that are surrounded by other cells not considered part of the range? I wonder if range is defined to be anything within the hull of the species distribution the climate-range differences between H and M would be stronger (or weaker)?

SimonGoring commented 8 years ago

Range is defined as the sum of the cell numbers occupied by the tree genera, multiplied by the cell size. It is not the hull of the occupied cells.

Cells without occupancy are not considered.

Because the effects largely stem from climatically (and spatially) biased land use change, and directional climatic change, we should see no difference in change, but I'll add text in to reflect this.