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fix:[CORE-2050][Azure-Collector-Issue]Adding "Unauthorized" errorcodes/messages to Datadog omission List #2263

Open AnandPaladin opened 1 month ago

AnandPaladin commented 1 month ago


This is related to where vertex azure collector throwing datadog alerts due to "UnAuthorized" exception such as 401/403 error codes. These error codes should be excluded from datadog alerts because we are triggering notification for those alerts.


Some of the error codes are not in exclusion list.Detailed root causes are documented in this

S.No | Failed Collector | Root cause | File | Omiited from Datadog | Solution -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- 1 | RegisteredApplicationInventoryCollector | 2024-06-12 23:42:38 [pool-3-thread-24] ERROR c.t.p.c.a.c.AzureCredentialManager - Error getting Grpah API token from Azure401---Unauthorized | getGraphApiAuthToken() method in | Not ommited | Need to add ommisionList at triggerNotificationPermissionDenied() at 2 | WebAppInventoryCollector | Status code 403, { "error": { "code": "AuthorizationFailed", "message": "The client '94b60d78-9ae6-4cf8-9b1c-2d17a2b1bab6' with object id '94b60d78-9ae6-4cf8-9b1c-2d17a2b1bab6' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action' over scope '/subscriptions/5cccdb97-2331-4736-8a35-cba63b5c9b54/resourceGroups/CorpIT.Dev.VioletAI.USE/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/vi-dev-violetai-botapp/config/authsettings' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials." }} | WebAppInventoryCollector getAuthenticationConfig() method | Omiited from Datadog |   3 | VaultInventoryCollector | 2024-06-12 23:43:16 [pool-13-thread-13] ERROR c.t.p.a.i.c.VaultInventoryCollector - Status code 403, { "error": { "code": "Forbidden", "message": "Caller is not authorized to perform action on resource.\r\nIf role assignments, deny assignments or role definitions were changed recently, please observe propagation time.\r\nCaller: appid=15779caf-a560-4578-8be8-c531e9f5449a;oid=94b60d78-9ae6-4cf8-9b1c-2d17a2b1bab6;iss=\r\nAction: 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/read'\r\nResource: '/subscriptions/f889eecb-2eaa-4c83-b9bf-341c012ecc3a/resourcegroups/corpit-test-automation-use/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/corpit-test-kv-us-domain'\r\nAssignment: (not found)\r\nDenyAssignmentId: null\r\nDecisionReason: null \r\nVault: CorpIT-Test-KV-US-domain;location=eastus\r\n", "innererror": { "code": "ForbiddenByRbac" } }} | | Not ommited | Need to add ommisionList at triggerNotificationPermissionDenied() at ### Solution Adding additional error codes (401/403) to omission list ## Fixes # (issue if any) ## Type of change **Please delete options that are not relevant.** - [x] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) ## How Has This Been Tested? Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Provide instructions so we can reproduce. Please also list any relevant details for your test configuration - [ ] Test A - [ ] Test B ## Checklist: - [x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project - [ ] My commit message/PR follows the contribution guidelines of this project - [ ] I have performed a self-review of my code - [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas - [ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works - [ ] New and existing unit tests pass locally with my changes ## **Other Information**: ## List any documentation updates that are needed for the Wiki ## Summary by CodeRabbit - **Bug Fixes** - Improved error handling by adding additional strings to the exception lists, including "Unauthorized", "Forbidden", and "ForbiddenByRbac", to better manage permission-denied notifications.
coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago


The modifications in enrich the triggerNotificationPermissionDenied method by adding new exception strings ("Unauthorized", "Forbidden", and "ForbiddenByRbac") to the exceptionList. This enhancement helps in better error handling and notification when specific permission issues occur in the Azure inventory utility.


File Path Change Summary
...bile/pacbot/azure/inventory/util/ Updated triggerNotificationPermissionDenied() to include additional exceptions in the exceptionList and misconfiguredExceptionList lists.

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User
    participant ErrorManageUtil

    Note over User,ErrorManageUtil: Permission Denied Scenario

    User ->> ErrorManageUtil: triggerNotificationPermissionDenied
    ErrorManageUtil ->> ErrorManageUtil: Check exceptions (Unauthorized, Forbidden, ForbiddenByRbac)
    ErrorManageUtil -->> User: Notify Permission Denied


🐇 In the realm of Azure's might,
New exceptions come to light.
Unauthorized, Forbidden's call,
ErrorManageUtil catches them all.
Permissions clear, the path defined,
In code's embrace, solutions find. 🚀

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sonarcloud[bot] commented 1 month ago

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