Closed silocydata closed 6 days ago
What I require is to trigger a function when the user clicks on st.download_button.
The implementation would be like this:
st.download_button( label='title', data=virtual_workbook, file_name=f"BEPChecker_by_turboIFC {timestamp}.xlsx", mime=report_workbook.mime_type, on_click=save_download_event )
If anyone has an idea on how to accomplish this, feel free to reply.
See here
What I require is to trigger a function when the user clicks on st.download_button.
The implementation would be like this:
st.download_button( label='title', data=virtual_workbook, file_name=f"BEPChecker_by_turboIFC {timestamp}.xlsx", mime=report_workbook.mime_type,
)If anyone has an idea on how to accomplish this, feel free to reply.