Paliverse / DualSense-List-of-Firmwares

Attached are the official Firmwares from the Sony Firmware Updater Tool
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JSON File Shows the Wrong Version which Triggers an Update for the Updater Tool that Doesn't Exist #3

Open AhmedNSane opened 3 weeks ago

AhmedNSane commented 3 weeks ago

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So the question is, is there an update for the app or not? Also, is 0458 still the latest FW version for DualSense controllers?

Whoever has access to that JSON file needs to either upload the new update for the app or make sure the JSON states the correct version ( instead of

Paliverse commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm interesting, I’m out of town so can’t really check what’s going on, but either way some Sony Employee isn’t doing their job correctly

AhmedNSane commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm interesting, I’m out of town so can’t really check what’s going on, but either way some Sony Employee isn’t doing their job correctly

That was exactly my thought. 😅 It's a shame. My cousin got excited for a new FW update for nothing. Oh, well. 🤷🏻‍♂️

UPDATE: Used good old Resource Hacker to change the Updater version to, so now it stopped complaining about an available non-existing update. ✅ UPDATE 2: image I guess they were building this 👆🏻