| -- | Test Step | Expected Result|
| --- | --- | --- |
1 | Start PCM and import InfrastructureComponent_Example in workspace | PCM IDE up and running, PCM3.3_InfrastructureComponent_Example project available in workspace
2 | In the InfrastructureComponent_Example project, right-click on "InfrastructureComponent Example-SimuLizar.launch" and select "Run As"->"1 InfrastructureComponent Example-Simulizar" | A simulation run is launched. The simulation should complete after a few minutes (or less).
3 | Check the simulation results.Open the "PCM Results" perspective. In the experiments view, select "Memory Datasource"->"InfrastructureComponent Example"->"Experiment Runs"->"Run ..."Double click on result "Response Time of defaultUsageScenario". In the opening window, double-click on "XY Plot" | The response times should vary. The values should be between 0.141 (possibly not reached) and 0.741.