Pallavi1926 / Gym_Website__Using_HTML_CSS_JAVASCRIPT

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To fix the UI of BMI Calculator #277

Open ApoorvaSunkad opened 1 month ago

ApoorvaSunkad commented 1 month ago

Hi @Pallavi1926 ,

I hope you are doing well!

The BMI calculator's UI is quite off. We can change the Calculate button's appearance to match the website's theme and make the height and weight input fields more appealing.

Please assign this issue to me under GSSOC'24 EXTENDED with the label GSSOC'24 and Hacktoberfest. I am a GSSOC '24 contributor also participating in HACTOBERFEST '24.

I will learn how to contribute to open source, as this is my first open-source contribution. BMI

hemant2807 commented 1 month ago

kindly assign this issue to me under GSSoc'24 extd. label and hacktoberfest label. i will resolve it soon

ApoorvaSunkad commented 1 month ago

Hi @Pallavi1926 ,

Please assign this issue to me I want to solve it as soon as possible and start my open-source journey.