Pallavi1926 / Gym_Website__Using_HTML_CSS_JAVASCRIPT

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Add a file to document the project #47

Open PATILYASHH opened 1 month ago

PATILYASHH commented 1 month ago

Create a file for the Gym Website project to provide proper documentation. The README should include:

  1. Project Overview: Briefly describe the purpose of the project and its main features.
  2. Features: List the key features of the website (e.g., responsive design, workout programs, membership plans, trainer information, etc.).
  3. Technologies Used: Specify the technologies and tools used (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
  4. Setup Instructions: Instructions on how to clone the repository and view the website locally.
  5. Contribution Guidelines: Add any guidelines for contributing to the project.

I am interested in solving this issue as part of GSSoC 2024 Extended.

PATILYASHH commented 1 month ago

please assign this issue to me

riyarane46 commented 1 month ago

hii @Pallavi1926 i believe i can do this task efficiently . could you please assign me this task under GSSoC24 extd and hactoberfest24.