PaloAltoNetworks / SafeNetworking

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Shard errors due to too many indexes searched per visualization #35

Closed punisherVX closed 5 years ago

punisherVX commented 5 years ago

Continuous shard exceptions in Kibana when process intensive visualizations are used in Dashboards. This is due to the amount of data across indexes.

punisherVX commented 5 years ago

Changing logstash logging from daily timestamped indexes to monthly.

punisherVX commented 5 years ago

Fixed in v3.4

Reduced number of threat-* indexes. Threat indexes are now done by month, rather than day. New format is threat-.


Sep 2018 is threat-2018.09 Oct 2018 is threat-2018.10

This is controlled by the logstash pan-sfn.conf file in the Output stanza.