PaloAltoNetworks / SafeNetworking

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When getDomainDoc() returns NULL, it never updates the doc so it keeps getting processed #58

Open punisherVX opened 5 years ago

punisherVX commented 5 years ago

When we get the error "Unable to work with domain doc " the system never changes the doc and SFN keeps picking it up. Eventually, if you get enough of these, all the system does it pick up docs that it can't process and continuously tries to pick them up so nothing else ever gets processed.

From @dreshytnik

Looks like something similar to issues I used to have previously:

[ERROR]   : 2018-12-29 06:29:26,391 : dnsutils:getDomainDoc:[515]:140384644908800   : Unable to work with domain doc - 'filetype'
[DEBUG]   : 2018-12-29 06:29:26,391 : dnsutils:getDomainDoc:[518]:140384644908800   : getDomainDoc() returns: NULL
[DEBUG]   : 2018-12-29 06:29:26,392 : runner:searchDomain:[145]:140384644908800     : domainDoc is NULL
[ERROR]   : 2018-12-29 06:29:26,392 : runner:searchDomain:[150]:140384644908800     : Unable to process event pmaM-GcBxraJFJddcjut beacause of problem with domain-doc for
[ERROR]   : 2018-12-29 06:29:26,392 : runner:searchDomain:[151]:140384644908800     : Domain doc for

I think it would make sense to put a check against this type of errors in code and prevent a domain from requesting autofocus response. It just doesn’t allow other domains to be checked :-(.  ```