PaloAltoNetworks / azure

VM-Series ARM Templates for Microsoft Azure
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Unable to deploy Marketplace image #16

Open BittahCriminal opened 5 years ago

BittahCriminal commented 5 years ago

PA Networks,

I don't believe this is an issue with the image itself. However, I wanted to inform you that when attempting to purchase your product within the Azure Marketplace, we receive an HTTP 503 error when deploying your virtual machine

    "statusCode": "InternalServerError",
    "statusMessage": {
      "error": {
        "code": "InternalBillingError",
        "message": "There was a problem communicating with the billing service. Diagnostic information: timestamp '20190308T202824Z'

I believe this is an issue on MS side of things. However, I wanted you all to be aware of the issue, if you weren't already.

arcotek-ltd commented 5 years ago

@BittahCriminal, did you ever find a solution?

We believe it is to do with accepting the license agreement for market place purchases. This normally only needs to be done once, per subscription.

If anyone else comes across this, our issue was caused by a new (EA) subscription taking 48 hours to fully provision. Check your subscription quotas. In my experience, when you see them fully populated, you should be good to go.

Microsoft did give us this command to try and speed things up:

PowerShell: Register-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace “Microsoft.Network”

AZ CLI: Azure provider register -s <your_subscription> -n Microsoft.Network (Keep the < and >)

Then you should be able to accept the agreement:

#List URNs
az vm image list --all --publisher $Publisher --offer $offer --sku $sku --query '[].urn

#Accept URN
az vm image accept-terms --urn paloaltonetworks:vmseries1:byol:9.0.1


$Location = "NorthEurope"
$Publisher = "PaloAltoNetworks"
$Offer = "vmseries1"
$Sku = "byol"

Get-AzMarketplaceTerms -Publisher $Publisher -Product $offer -Name $sku -Verbose | Set-AzMarketplaceTerms -Accept -Verbose