PaloAltoNetworks / minemeld-ansible

Ansible playbook for installing MineMeld on Linux
Apache License 2.0
48 stars 48 forks source link

Ubuntu 16.04 install issue #58

Open banhao opened 5 years ago

banhao commented 5 years ago

ansible-playbook -K -i, local.yml

SUDO password:

PLAY [minemeld playbook] ***

TASK [Gathering Facts] ***** ok: []

TASK [infrastructure : debug] ** ok: [] => { "msg": "Loading vars for Ubuntu 16.04" }

TASK [infrastructure : include_vars] *** ok: [] => (item=/root/minemeld-ansible/roles/infrastructure/vars/Ubuntu-16.04.yml)

TASK [infrastructure : create minemeld group] ** ok: []

TASK [infrastructure : include task based on distribution] ***** skipping: []

TASK [infrastructure : install packages] *** ok: [] => (item=rabbitmq-server) ok: [] => (item=redis-server) ok: [] => (item=collectd-core) ok: [] => (item=nginx)

TASK [infrastructure : start rabbitmq-server] ** ok: []

TASK [infrastructure : start redis-server] ***** ok: []

TASK [infrastructure : start collectd] ***** ok: []

TASK [infrastructure : start nginx] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : include_vars] ***** ok: [] => (item=/root/minemeld-ansible/roles/minemeld/vars/Ubuntu-16.04.yml)

TASK [minemeld : include pre-task based on distribution] *** skipping: []

TASK [minemeld : minemeld user] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : main directory] *** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : local directory] ** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : data directory] *** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : config directory] ***** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : traced config directory] ** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : API config directory] ***** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : trace directory] ** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : library directory] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : certs directory] ** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : local certs directory] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : prototypes local directory] *** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : supervisor config directory] ** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : log directory] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : PID directory] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : www directory] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : install packages] ***** ok: [] => (item=p7zip-full) ok: [] => (item=git) ok: [] => (item=g++) ok: [] => (item=libleveldb-dev) ok: [] => (item=librrd-dev) ok: [] => (item=libxslt1-dev) ok: [] => (item=libc-ares-dev) ok: [] => (item=libsnappy-dev)

TASK [minemeld : minemeld-node-prototypes repo] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : minemeld-node-prototypes current link] **** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : minemeld-core repo] *** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : virtualenv] *** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : minemeld virtualenv] ** ok: []

TASK [minemeld : virtualenv permissions] *** changed: []

TASK [minemeld : requirements] ***** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/opt/minemeld/engine/current/bin/pip2 freeze", "msg": "\n:stderr: Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/opt/minemeld/engine/current/bin/pip2\", line 7, in \n from pip._internal import main\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/_internal/\", line 19, in \n from pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions import DependencyWarning\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/\", line 8, in \n from .connectionpool import (\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/\", line 29, in \n from .connection import (\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/\", line 2, in \n import datetime\nImportError: No module named datetime\n"} to retry, use: --limit @/root/minemeld-ansible/local.retry

PLAY RECAP ***** : ok=33 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=1

banhao commented 5 years ago

Ubuntu 16.04 is just upgraded from 14.04 apt-get update apt-get upgrade all the packs are latest.

jtschichold commented 5 years ago

It seems generated by the upgrade itself:

isaeed22 commented 1 year ago

TASK [minemeld : minemeld user] ** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "usermod: user minemeld is currently used by process 1224\n", "name": "minemeld", "rc": 8}

I have got this error. Do you know what can I do?

banhao commented 1 year ago

I didn't fix this issue. I switched to use Docker image, current version is 0.9.70. Have been running more than 4 years, still stable no issue.

isaeed22 commented 1 year ago

I didn't fix this issue. I switched to use Docker image, current version is 0.9.70. Have been running more than 4 years, still stable no issue.

Could you please share how to install it with Docker? where can I download the image?

banhao commented 1 year ago