i've been trying to set up a TAXII client (miner node) in Minemeld but i'm having the same error of #221 (that has not solutions):
"nodename" - "collectionname" collection does not support TAXII 1.1 message binding (DATA_FEED).
Through the discovery service i saw that the poll service accepts both message bindings 1.1 and 1.0. Not knowing the exact syntax to set up the message bindings inside the prototype, I tried:
Hi to all,
i've been trying to set up a TAXII client (miner node) in Minemeld but i'm having the same error of #221 (that has not solutions):
"nodename" - "collectionname" collection does not support TAXII 1.1 message binding (DATA_FEED).
Through the discovery service i saw that the poll service accepts both message bindings 1.1 and 1.0. Not knowing the exact syntax to set up the message bindings inside the prototype, I tried:
I already set up another two TAXII clients and they worked well (the only difference is that the poll service has just 1.1 message binding)
Minimeld VERSION is 0.9.46.
If you need other information please don't esitate to ask me :)
Thank you in advance.