PaloAltoNetworks / terraform-aws-swfw-modules

Terraform Reusable Modules for Software Firewalls on AWS
MIT License
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Major refactor for modules and examples #53

Open migara opened 5 months ago

migara commented 5 months ago

This issue tracks all the major refactoring of the examples and modules to make it more readable and usable.


An issue tracker for modules (and examples) refactor.


The key points to address when refactoring the modules:

Issues per module

(many issues have already been merged to main refactor branch in the old archived repo)

Issues per example

Module Refactor Considerations

Variables ordering

Some basic principles:

Keep in mind that his order will be retained in a

Description format

Follow the example below:

description = <<-EOF
A short, one sentence description of the variable.

Some more detailed description, can be multiple lines.

List of either required or important properties:

- `name`                   - (`string`, required) name of the Network Security Group.
- `some_optional_value`    - (`string`, optional, defaults to `null`) some description.
- `some_complex_property`  - (`map`, optional) A list of objects representing something.
  - `name`                    - (`string`, required) name of the something.
  - `some_number`             - (`number`, optional, defaults to `5`) numeric value.
  - `some_value_1`            - (`string`, required, mutually exclusive with `some_value_2`) some description.
  - `some_value_2`            - (`string`, required, mutually exclusive with `some_value_1`) some description.
  - `some_optional_value`     - (`bool`, optional, defaults to `false`) some description.

List of other, optional properties:

- `less_important_1`    - (`string`, optional, defaults to `null`) some description.
- `less_important_2`    - (`string`, optional, defaults Azure defaults) some description.
- `less_important_3`    - (`string`, optional, defaults to `""`) some description.
- `less_important_4`    - (`list(string)`, optional, defaults to `[]`) some description.

  "object_1" = {
    name = "name of object 1"


## Common variables

Replace the following variables with these definitions:

variable "name" {
  description = "The name of the Virtual Private Network."
  type        = string

variable "tags" {
  description = "The map of tags to assign to all created resources."
  default     = {}
  type        = map(string)

Bootstrap options for examples [Done]

The new examples will support the default bootstrap method (user-data) and may be ability to use other bootstrap methods as options (by commenting out certain variables)