PaloAltoNetworks / terraform-provider-panos

Terraform Panos provider
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panos_syslog_server_profile threat_format not working #365

Open fciarfella-immobiliare opened 1 year ago

fciarfella-immobiliare commented 1 year ago

bug description

When trying to use the resource panos_syslog_server_profile to create a custom threat_format I get the following error

Error: my-syslog-profile-name -> format -> thread unexpected here | my-syslog-profile-name -> format is invalid

whatever I write inside the quotes in threat_format = "".

my resource

This is the resource i wrote:

resource panos_syslog_server_profile my-syslog-profile-name {
    name = "my-syslog-profile-name"
    threat_format = "$serial $severity"
    syslog_server {
        name = "my-syslog-server-name"
        server = "my-syslog-server-ip"
        transport = "TCP"
        port = "1514"
        syslog_format = "IETF"


Please, note that I have such error ONLY when I try to use threat_format. The others config_format, system_format, traffic_format and data_format work fine.


provider "" {
  version     = "1.11.0"
welcome-to-palo-alto-networks[bot] commented 1 year ago

:tada: Thanks for opening your first issue here! Welcome to the community!

Rifwan22 commented 2 months ago

Hi Team, we are also facing the same issue with version = "1.11.0" appreciate if anyone could pick this up. @fciarfella-immobiliare thanks for raising this issue.

shinmog commented 2 months ago

Hhmm, there's a typo on the XML, it is thread instead of threat :(