PaloAltoNetworks / terraform-provider-panos

Terraform Panos provider
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Aggregate ethernet return unexpected vsys #440

Open StevenHolm opened 1 month ago

StevenHolm commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

When creating resource "panos_ethernet_interface" with parameter "aggregate_group" it fails to return correct vsys into statefile

Expected behavior

Attach interface to portchannel- which it does correctly in appliance panos_ethernet_interface.interface["ethernet1/1"]: Modifications complete after 0s [id=vsys1:ethernet1/1] panos_ethernet_interface.interface["ethernet1/2"]: Modifications complete after 1s [id=vsys1:ethernet1/2]

Current behavior

In terraform state the "vsys" parameter replaces the input with "(not ) lets say input vsys is "vsys1" - in terraform state it is returned as "(not vsys1)". even if input is "(not vsys1)", in terraform state it is returned as (not (not vsys1))"

this bug is only present when using parameter "aggregation_group"

code to reproduce

resource "panos_aggregate_interface" "port_channel" { for_each = local.device["port_channels"] vsys = "vsys1" #hardcode on purpose name = each.key mode = each.value.mode lacp_enable = each.value.lacp_enable ? true : false lacp_mode = each.value.lacp_mode lldp_enable = each.value.lldp


resource "panos_ethernet_interface" "interface" { for_each = local.device["ethernet_ports"] vsys = "vsys1" #hardcode on purpose name = each.key mode = "aggregate-group" aggregate_group = panos_aggregate_interface.port_channel[each.value.port_channel].name

Your Environment

Hardware: Pa-1410 terraform: v1.6.3 provider: panos v1.11.1