PaloAltoNetworks / terraform-provider-prismacloud

Terraform PrismaCloud provider
Mozilla Public License 2.0
54 stars 65 forks source link

Fixed #286 by forcing new a saved search resource if the name changes… #287

Open comrumino opened 5 months ago

comrumino commented 5 months ago
  1. Fixed #286 by forcing new a saved search resource if the name changes — copy & delete search as expected by user, but update would copy without deletion.
  2. Fixed #181 by introducing support for updating search queries and documenting the need for the lifecycle create_before_destroy to be true.


Usability improvements around updating saved search name and updating the the underlying query.

Motivation and Context

The provider doesn't behave as expected.

How Has This Been Tested?

Used the script and module below to test various state changes.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh
mkdir -pv "$outpath" || exit 1
find "$outpath" -type f -exec rm {} \;
export TF_LOG=INFO

pushd "$HOME/repo/terraform-provider-prismacloud"
goreleaser build --clean --single-target --snapshot || exit 1
find dist -name 'terraform-provider-prismacloud_v1.5.5*' -execdir mv -f {} "$HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform.local/comrumino/prismacloud/1.5.5/darwin_arm64/terraform-provider-prismacloud_v1.5.5" \;
rm -rf "$PWD/.terraform/providers/terraform.local" "$PWD/.terraform.lock.hcl"
terraform init

function apply_with_name() {
    local name="$1"
    local query="$2"
    printf '{"saved_search_name":"%s","query":"%s"}' "$name" "$query" | jq -r . > "$PWD/terraform.tfvars.json"
    terraform graph -draw-cycles -type=plan | dot -Tpng > "$outpath/$name-graph.png"
    TF_LOG_PATH="$outpath/$name-apply-tf.log" terraform apply -var saved_search_name="$name" -auto-approve &>> "$outpath/stdout-$name-apply-tf.log"
apply_with_name "prototype" "config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-guardduty-detector' AND json.rule = status equals \\\"ENABLED\\\""
apply_with_name "prototype" "config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-guardduty-detector' AND json.rule = status equals \\\"DISABLED\\\""
apply_with_name "prototype2" "config from cloud.resource where = 'aws-guardduty-detector' AND json.rule = status equals \\\"DISABLED\\\""
TF_LOG_PATH="$outpath/destroy-tf.log" terraform destroy -auto-approve &> "$outpath/stdout-destroy-tf.log"
printf '\n\nLogged to %s\n' "$outpath"
variable "saved_search_name" {
  type = string
variable "query" {
  type = string
locals { 
  search_query_name = "prototype"
data "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "redlock" {
  name = "redlock"
data "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "redlock" {
  secret_id =
locals {
  redlock = nonsensitive(jsondecode(data.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.redlock.secret_string))

provider "prismacloud" {
  url      = substr(local.redlock["rest_api_url"], 8, -1)
  username = local.redlock["user"]
  password = local.redlock["password"]
  protocol = "https"
  logging = {
    action  = true
    path    = true
    send    = true
    receive = true
  timeout = 300

resource "prismacloud_rql_search" "prototype" {
  search_type = "config"
  query       = var.query
  limit       = -1
  skip_result = true
  time_range {
    relative {
      unit   = "hour"
      amount = 24

resource "prismacloud_saved_search" "prototype" {
  name        = var.saved_search_name
  description = "prototype"
  search_id   = prismacloud_rql_search.prototype.search_id
  query       = prismacloud_rql_search.prototype.query
  cloud_type  = "aws"
  time_range {
    relative {
      unit   = prismacloud_rql_search.prototype.time_range[0].relative[0].unit
      amount = prismacloud_rql_search.prototype.time_range[0].relative[0].amount
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

resource "prismacloud_policy" "prototype" {
  count          = 1
  name           = local.search_query_name
  policy_type    = "config"
  description    = "prototype desc"
  severity       = "high"
  recommendation = "prototype recommendation"
  cloud_type     = "aws"
  enabled        = false
  rule {
    name = local.search_query_name
    parameters = {
      savedSearch = true
      withIac     = false
    rule_type = "Config"
    criteria  =

Types of changes
