PalouseDH / symposium

materials and site for Palouse Digital Scholarship Symposium 2018, 2019
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Parking lot links #13

Open evanwill opened 5 years ago

evanwill commented 5 years ago

feel free to add links / ideas / resources that we should revisit, checkout sometime

evanwill commented 5 years ago

Sqigwts 3d landscape experience, Rodney Frey, UIdaho, "slow" learning experience since your are traditionally supposed to learn the information from an elder over time in the field

KEichner commented 5 years ago

mollyrcarney commented 5 years ago

Gulliver's Travels Word Tree

evanwill commented 5 years ago

TokenX, out-of-date web text viz platform, something like Voyant

alexmerrill commented 5 years ago

From web publishing day discussion of good visualizations:

joods monument

evanwill commented 5 years ago

twitter api demos

evanwill commented 5 years ago

live twitter analysis tweet sentiment visualization, from healey

evanwill commented 5 years ago

oral history in digital collections and text analysis: Devin Becker, ctrl-shift

evanwill commented 5 years ago


evanwill commented 5 years ago

Allison Parrish machine poetry academic

owikle commented 5 years ago

@mollyrcarney Here's the article on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model

evanwill commented 5 years ago

xkcd imposter syndrome