PanJiaChen / electron-vue-admin

vue electron admin template web:
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pack:main 脚本 ERROR in main.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: punc (.) [main.js:885,35] #5

Open BaLaLaLs opened 6 years ago

BaLaLaLs commented 6 years ago

webpack 打包时 ERROR in main.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: punc (.) [main.js:886,35] ERROR in main.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: punc (.) [main.js:886,35]

webpack 配置 clipboard.png .babelrc clipboard.png package.json clipboard.png

main文件夹下用到的es6 特性有 模板字符串 扩展运算符 箭头函数 webpack版本 "webpack": "^2.7.0"

PanJiaChen commented 6 years ago This might help you.

BaLaLaLs commented 6 years ago

@PanJiaChen thanks, the problem has been solved. I changed the scaffolding, have you considered upgrading this scaffold?