Hi, some filenames have uppercase country codes while others have lowercase. For example, 'job_postings_by_sector_CA.csv' is uppercase but 'provincial_postings_ca.csv' is lowercase. Ensuring consistency across all the filenames would be helpful. #19
Hi, some filenames have uppercase country codes while others have lowercase. For example, 'job_postings_by_sector_CA.csv' is uppercase but 'provincial_postings_ca.csv' is lowercase. Ensuring consistency across all the filenames would be helpful.
Hi, some filenames have uppercase country codes while others have lowercase. For example, 'job_postings_by_sector_CA.csv' is uppercase but 'provincial_postings_ca.csv' is lowercase. Ensuring consistency across all the filenames would be helpful.
_Originally posted by @pawelgfi in https://github.com/hiring-lab/job_postings_tracker/issues/112_