Pana / nrm

NPM registry manager, fast switch between different registries: npm, cnpm, nj, taobao
MIT License
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require() of ES modules is not supported. #153

Open senfish opened 1 year ago

senfish commented 1 year ago

nrm: 1.2.5


我很好奇,我进入了这个chalk地址查看一下这个包package.json,居然是5.2.0,为什么会安装最新的ES Module呢,按道理应该是V4版本的chalk

endwalker commented 1 year ago

npm install nrm open@8.4.2 -g

wjq990112 commented 1 year ago

open 这个包从 9.x 开始改成了 Native ESM,不再支持 require 的方式引入,nrm 应该锁定一下依赖到这个版本

marswong commented 1 year ago

@i5ting the version 1.2.5 published to npm is different from the source code of the master branch.

xuya227939 commented 1 year ago

@endwalker It's work for me , thank you.

kiinlam commented 1 year ago


npm install -g Pana/nrm
deepraining commented 1 year ago

直接从github仓库安装:cnpm i -g

285878535 commented 1 year ago

use this command: npm install -g nrm open@8.4.2 --save

CaptainOfPhB commented 11 months ago

Try nrm i -g nrm-ng.