Pandaqi / In-the-Same-Boat

Jackbox-style game where you try to sail a ship together - discovering treasures and battling your friends.
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First Playtest #24

Open Pandaqi opened 5 years ago

Pandaqi commented 5 years ago

Functionality: touch not responding

On certain devices, touch doesn't work, only mouse.

(On other devices, it's the other way around.)

Try to find out how to support both touch and mouse events PROPERLY. The game falls apart if you can't move the compass or move the map

IDEA: Maybe the problem isn't with registering touch, it's with the coordinates. Because, once you click on the canvas, the game just JUMPS to an empty part of the canvas.

Interface ideas

Right now, you can't really see what a role DOES or what a certain upgrade brings.

As such, I want to do three things:

Some roles might also be too simple or too hard. Don't really know. I think they're alright and most improvements lie within the gameplay and the world itself.

Bug: Monitor Display

Update sprites when they go in/out of fog. Now sprites are "rooted to the spot", if they change.

Also, shadows don't seem to update properly.

We really need the docks to be available, including their deals. This gives players something to go for, a way to plan ahead.

Bug: Crew

On firing the cannons, crew is deducted from the total permanently. This shouldn't happen.

Also, it's now possible to be without crew, which means you can't do anything or go anywhere. Should I simply disallow this, by always making the first movement free?

Bug: computer ships

It seems as though computer ships are standing still sometimes. Is that so?

Gameplay problem: cartographer map

You should be able to see other units, even at low levels.

Higher levels simply ...

At night, the map should go dark. Monsters aren't visible anymore. Other ships have their own light.

Gameplay problem: battling is too hard (and chaotic)

It's really hard to orient yourself in the right direction. On top of that, you can easily forget to load the cannons or have too little cannonballs in your inventory.

It should be cheaper to get cannons, and cannonballs themselves should be cheaper/easier to come by.

Gameplay problem: too hard, too simple

At some points, the game is too hard. It's hard to get resources, know where to go, hit an enemy,

At other points, the game is too easy. Quickly, many roles are easy to use and navigate. Why go beyond level 2 or 3?

The timer on 20 seconds is quite fast. 30-60 seconds is more reasonable.

IDEA: Reward for discovering an island? Reward for being the first one to find a dock?

On one hand, there's too little to do. You just wander around, looking for some islands or docks.

On the other hand, it's overwhelming for new players. They can't find any strategy, because there's just too many options and too much going on.

Gameplay problem: world doesn't feel intuitive and lively

The world feels like a hot mess right now. There's ships/monsters flying all over the place. The world is probably a little too large (with a little too much island mass).

Fog reveal should go a little faster.

The night mode, of course, should be improved significantly. Only display lights if something is NOT within the fog. Give ships nice realistic lights (both a light texture and a simple yellowish gradient at spots)

Display which ships are in the game, who is inside them (including avatars), and their reputation.

Reputation should become a large part of the game. Both player's reputation, as well as monster reputation, dock reputation, etc.

Also, there's NO reason currently to attack other players. There should be. There should be other ways of winning, like controlling X docks simultaneously or collecting 5 treasures. This forces players to hinder each other, find each other, steal stuff, etc.

Find a way to include the "pirate" and "explorer's aspect" into the base game more. Treasures? Hidden wonders? Secret parts of the map? Things about the current game you need to discover, like weather, situations between groups/clans/sides, mythology, etc.?

Pandaqi commented 5 years ago

Gameplay ideas: Monitor Control

Add some sort of functionality (like a button / role / "bidding system") that allows you to control what is displayed on the monitor. That way, we can zoom in more, and display more detail.

For example, the monitor only displays a 10x10 grid of the map. The person with control over it, can move it around, zoom in/out, etc.

Gameplay ideas: Clans & Mythology

At the start of the game, there will be multiple "groups" or "clans" or "tribes". Each player ship belongs to one of these groups.

Each group has certain advantages and disadvantages.

At the start of the game, all groups start off equally. A certain number of docks are in their possession, they have a certain number of ships, etc.

During the game, you must try to expand your control. Seize docks from other groups. Destroy ships from other groups.

Soms docks might refuse to trade with you, because of your reputation. On the other hand, pirate docks might give you --- a co-pirate --- an amazing deal!

I want the world to feel like there's actual people living there, actual groups fighting for what they think is right. You are dropped into the world, trying to protect your group, protect your ship, and fight for the same ideals.

IMPORTANT: It's important to keep the game simple, of course. I don't want this game to have a 10+ minute explanation. ("And there are 20 different classes that have a different win condition. Let's go through all of them now!")

Pandaqi commented 5 years ago

Gameplay Ideas: Treasure hiding

At the start of the game, everyone already has a treasure. For some reason (??), they must hide it somewhere. Then, it's the task of every ship to find X treasures hidden by others.

(Perhaps monsters can steal stuff from your ship. Or a mutiny makes crew steal the treasure :p)

ALTERNATIVELY: The game can simply hide one (or multiple) treasures within the world. Across the world, little pieces of information will be spread out, for players to find. The ultimate goal of the game, then, becomes finding this one huge treasure!

Gameplay Idea: base building

If someone has the resources, they can create a new dock/base? This gives them income, a "safe" place to store stuff, and more control for the group they belong to.

Gameplay Idea: reward dropping

You can set a reward on anything. If someone else kills a certain ship, captures a certain dock, kills a monster, etc. => they get their reward right out of your ships's resources.

You don't know who offered the reward. Just that it's there and you can do something with it.

Pandaqi commented 5 years ago

Gameplay Idea: Synergy between combat and outerworld

There are items you can find, ancient curses/spells that can effect you, etc.

These can be found outside of combat, but will help or hinder you during combat as well.

For example, you enter a cave ... and suddenly your ship has a weird curse! (It can only rotate to the right, you must attack a monster to be released from the curse, etc.)

Or you open a treasure, and you find an item that gives you +1 gold every turn!

Game world idea: hidden sections

The world shouldn't be completely open and equal.

Instead, there should be different sections that are unreachable at first. Maybe certain parts of the world are protected by the Crown/Government/Leaders => if you try to go there, you will certainly be attacked

Other parts are ruled by pirates (a Pirate's Cove or Pirate's Bay), only allowing other pirates or certain kinds of activities.

Some parts have water that's near impossible to sail (like hot lava that damages your ship every turn)

Other parts simply have a gate, or a mountain range, or something else you can only cross under certain conditions.

These should make the world unique and lively, but also give players something to work towards. "If we can get the cannons to level 4, we can enter this new area!"

Links (on exploring and turn-based combat)