Not shown in above are options to add/hide points (size/color/text label options). User can also can which ranges to display. Add titles to x and y axes (options for font type/size/colour). Show/hid/modify title (text/ font type/size/colour). User can also export images in different formats (tiff, png, jpg, pdf).
The user selects a latitude and longitude if a NTCDF file (R code to be provided) or x-pixel and y-pixel values if a raster. This will extract values along the multiple rasters for that location. It will populate Table 2 the value of interest.
@isomemo Please, let us discuss the details on how to add/overlay points, titles or how display different ranges of a plot, and which features should be available for which case:
Several tasks are not yet implemented, e.g.
Originally posted in
@isomemo Please, let us discuss the details on how to add/overlay points, titles or how display different ranges of a plot, and which features should be available for which case:
to clarify open tasks.