Pandora-IsoMemo / TraceR

An app to generate a visual representation of a relational map
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Planned features #1

Open arunge opened 1 year ago

arunge commented 1 year ago

The goal is to generate network-like representations based on pre-selected options using this package:

• User can create and share a template json file, where this defines the elements to be included (see family example below). • This template json file consists of which network elements can be used and which metadata is associated to each. Users load one of these json files and can then start defining their relational structure. For instance, a json file may be used to link family relationships (metadata could be name of each person, date of birth, etc.) and there could be two main elements (male or female). • Based on the template json file users can then describe an actual network which is saved as a separate json file (instance). Continuing with the family example, users would enter the different individuals (their metadata) and define their relationships (represented using arrows). A visual representation of this would look something like a family tree. • Unique IDs are required for each element and link. • This instance file can be saved, loaded, and edited. A log is kept of any change, including the identification of the users who made the edits and the time when edits were made. • To load either template or instance files use the Pandora data import module.

• In the log, a cheksum (e.g., see: devel/library/tools/html/md5sum.html) is used to authenticate changes made by different users.

• Visual options to set the display of each element (e.g., shape, colour, unique IDs) and arrow (e.g., type of arrow, thickness, colour, text tags to be used). Overall movement and zoom in/zoom out on network structure. • There should be a drop down list option where users can quickly display different loaded instances. • Linking separate instances. As mentioned above a user can load multiple instances. A case to consider, is when there are links between elements placed in different instances. To implement this, a special element should always be available. As metadata, it will include the name of the external instance, the type of link(s) (arrow(s)), and the unique IDs for external elements.

arunge commented 1 year ago

Trying out DiagrammeR


• User can create and share a template json file, where this defines the elements to be included (see family example below).

• This template json file consists of which network elements can be used and which metadata is associated to each. Users load one of these json files and can then start defining their relational structure. For instance, a json file may be used to link family relationships (metadata could be name of each person, date of birth, etc.) and there could be two main elements (male or female).

• Based on the template json file users can then describe an actual network which is saved as a separate json file (instance). Continuing with the family example, users would enter the different individuals (their metadata) and define their relationships (represented using arrows). A visual representation of this would look something like a family tree.

• Unique IDs are required for each element and link.

• This instance file can be saved, loaded, and edited. A log is kept of any change, including the identification of the users who made the edits and the time when edits were made.

• This instance file can be saved, loaded, and edited. A log is kept of any change, including the identification of the users who made the edits and the time when edits were made. • In the log, a cheksum (e.g., see: is used to authenticate changes made by different users.

• Visual options to set the display of each element (e.g., shape, colour, unique IDs) and arrow (e.g., type of arrow, thickness, colour, text tags to be used).

Overall movement and zoom in/zoom out on network structure.

  • this feature must be developed
  • here we need to define subgraphs
  • when zoom in: display sub graph
  • when zoom out: display parent graph
  • nodes that contain sub graphs should look different than simple nodes -> use a specific styling that is specific only for this case
  • using width and height in render_graph(width, height) makes the graph smaller/larger
  • do we need to show only a part of the plot and to move left/right/up/down ?
arunge commented 1 year ago

Requested features:

Create a template

Export a template

Load a template (from pandora / file)

Add relations

Save current instance

Load a different instance into the current session

Export relations


.yaml of edges .json of the same edges
image image


arunge commented 1 year ago

Before we will continue here, we must check a very important part:

1) Ability to travel along the network (as with our IsoMemo maps) and to Zoom in/out 2) Interact with network elements (e.g., click on a node and display associated metadata) 3) Search network element by name and focus on this 4) A special type of interaction which allows us to visualize the network within a node

f-lukas commented 1 year ago

After some research I'd say point 1. and 2. are possible and 3. and 4. are difficult. Here is a simple app that allows zooming and panning and returns the node id when clicking on a node. This click information can be used to show more node informations. About the zooming: Currently the plot moves out of the original image bounds. This needs to be changed but I think we could find a solution for this.


# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(

  # js for zooming
    tags$script(src = "")

  # Application title
  titlePanel("Simple Flowchart Generator"),

  # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions

    # Sidebar panel for inputs
      actionButton("generate_flowchart", "Generate Flowchart")

    # Main panel for displaying the flowchart

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
  # Generate the flowchart when the button is clicked
  observeEvent(input$generate_flowchart, {
    example_graph <-
      create_graph() %>%
        n = 50, m = 1,
        set_seed = 23
      ) %>%
        n = 50, p = 1 / 100,
        set_seed = 23
      ) %>%
      join_node_attrs(df = get_betweenness(.)) %>%
      join_node_attrs(df = get_degree_total(.)) %>%
        node_attr_from = total_degree,
        node_attr_to = fillcolor,
        palette = "Greens",
        alpha = 90
      ) %>%
        node_attr_from = betweenness,
        to_lower_bound = 0.5,
        to_upper_bound = 1.0,
        node_attr_to = height
      ) %>%
      select_nodes_by_id(nodes = get_articulation_points(.)) %>%
      set_node_attrs_ws(node_attr = peripheries, value = 2) %>%
      set_node_attrs_ws(node_attr = penwidth, value = 3) %>%
      clear_selection() %>%
      set_node_attr_to_display(attr = NULL)
    output$flowchart <- renderGrViz({
      render_graph(example_graph, layout = "nicely", as_svg = TRUE)
  output$clickMessage <- renderText({
    paste0("You clicked the node, which has the ID ", input$flowchart_click$id[[1]], ".")

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
f-lukas commented 1 year ago

I talked with @arunge about point 3 and 4.

  1. Search network element by name and focus on this

We could add a select input. Users can search elements within the select input or instead click on a node within the diagramme. After selecting one element (node) we can highlight this element using a specific background and/or border color.

  1. A special type of interaction which allows us to visualize the network within a node

Clicking on a node or selecting a node within a select input could trigger the creation of a new plot that visualizes the network within the selected node.

To summarize... Along with my notes about point 1 and 2 here, all open points below should be manageable with DiagrammeR.

Before we will continue here, we must check a very important

  1. Ability to travel along the network (as with our IsoMemo maps) and to Zoom in/out
  2. Interact with network elements (e.g., click on a node and display associated metadata)
  3. Search network element by name and focus on this
  4. A special type of interaction which allows us to visualize the network within a node
f-lukas commented 1 year ago

@arunge The first minimal example of TraceR is now available here:

arunge commented 12 months ago

@f-lukas as discussed, I will check details regarding:

Afterwards, we can continue here.