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[Bug]: /docs/guides/bootstrapping/preparing-aws crashes the application #11

Closed jlevydev closed 2 months ago

jlevydev commented 2 months ago

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What happened?

When going to /docs/guides/bootstrapping/preparing-aws the next application crashes, seems like an issue with an image asset but takes down the whole site and any other open tabs Screenshot from 2024-03-10 17-04-07


main (development branch)

What primary components of the stack are you seeing the problem on?


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jlevydev commented 2 months ago

This issue also appears to happen with the /docs/guides/bootstrapping/infrastructure-as-code page, different asset, but same crash Screenshot from 2024-03-10 17-11-06

fullykubed commented 2 months ago

This looks like an issue with git lfs. This repo uses git lfs for several file types including the file types you listed on this issue. See here for the full list.

Specifically, this looks like the file contents weren't downloaded from the lfs server. Can you share what the contents of these files currently are? Can you also share your version of git lfs and any other git configuration you have on your machine?

jlevydev commented 2 months ago

Looks like it was an issue with initializing git-lfs on my end. Attempted git-lfs pull and was instructed to run git-lfs install first. Ran that then pull again and the issue resolved itself. Thanks!