Pangoraw / Coil.jl

꩜ Lift Julia array operations to MLIR dialects and run using IREE.
MIT License
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Taking Gradients #1

Open reachtarunhere opened 1 year ago

reachtarunhere commented 1 year ago

Hi! This package looks awesome and exactly what I was looking for. Will there be support for taking gradients in the future?

Also, I would like to contribute/lend-a-hand in anyway possible. Can you point me to some resources to get started.

Thank You!

Pangoraw commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for the kinds words!

Support for gradient would be great but it is not yet implemented. This package is still in its bootstrapping phase :) One way it could be implemented is by lowering the reverse pass when tracing the primitives (similarly to Yota.jl). I would also like to test Enzyme with its upcoming MLIR support.

Also, I would like to contribute/lend-a-hand in anyway possible. Can you point me to some resources to get started.

I updated the instructions to get started. But things are still quite rough. Hopefully, you can get started and try to trace through one of your model.