Pocketsphinx is not behaving good for me. I guess there is a problem with defining thresholds.
I am using this model. It kept on listening to the keywords though i speak nothing.
roslaunch pocketsphinx kws.launch dict:=/home/ros/catkin_ws/src/pocketsphinx/demo/voice_cmd.dic kws:=/home/ros/catkin_ws/src/pocketsphinx/demo/voice_cmd.kwlist hmm:=/home/ros/Desktop/cmusphinx-en
Can you please help with this? So, it must only recognize words when spoken and not randomly.
Please note: I am following everything from your files. SO the keyword file (and everything else) is the same from your medium article.
Pocketsphinx is not behaving good for me. I guess there is a problem with defining thresholds.
I am using this model. It kept on listening to the keywords though i speak nothing.
roslaunch pocketsphinx kws.launch dict:=/home/ros/catkin_ws/src/pocketsphinx/demo/voice_cmd.dic kws:=/home/ros/catkin_ws/src/pocketsphinx/demo/voice_cmd.kwlist hmm:=/home/ros/Desktop/cmusphinx-en
Can you please help with this? So, it must only recognize words when spoken and not randomly.
Please note: I am following everything from your files. SO the keyword file (and everything else) is the same from your medium article.