7 new tokens that have BCMR data and CauldronSwap liquidity
miscellaneous code enhancements
about and terms pages
prominent links/offers to get more involved in the CashTokens space
increased base font sizes
added hamburger menu
enabled sorting for marketcap
The speed of rendering the table from the APIs is still slow. So probably in a future release, I will load the data into a db on a regular basis and serve it from there. Maybe MariaDB or Postgres. Not sure which. This should enable instant rendering of the table and then I can hydrate data updates in the background.
The speed of rendering the table from the APIs is still slow. So probably in a future release, I will load the data into a db on a regular basis and serve it from there. Maybe MariaDB or Postgres. Not sure which. This should enable instant rendering of the table and then I can hydrate data updates in the background.