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LoRa Packet Forwarder Analyzer stops working if the log size gets too big #55

Closed onstat closed 1 year ago

onstat commented 2 years ago

"Analysis log with LoRa Packet Forwarder Analyzer" stops working if the log size gets too big. Im my case its always less than 24 hours before it fills up as I have lots of non helium lora signals hitting my aerial.

The error I get on screen is below with nothing else showing

"Using logs in /var/log/packet-forwarder/packet_forwarder.log"

Clearing my log down to a smaller size fixes the issue and the analyser starts working with the following commands

sudo su cd /var/log/packet-forwarder/ truncate -s 5k packet_forwarder.log

This only lasts for a day though and then it stops working. any chance of a fix in later versions please?

onstat commented 2 years ago

update.. I just ran the command from the command line and after a short delay it runs fine!

I expect its some problem with panthers dashboard that is timing out and not returning the results after this small delay.

onstat commented 1 year ago

still not working after the latest dashboard update

qinfengling commented 1 year ago

@onstat Thanks for your report, We found the logrotate is missing in Panther X2, so the log will get larger and larger, @openxzx will fix in the next release (0.2.25)