A front-end replica of the Google homepage, showcasing HTML and CSS skills. This project aims to mimic the layout and design of Google's iconic search interface, focusing on responsive design and clean coding practices. Perfect for practicing web development fundamentals and understanding modern UI
A front-end replica of the Google homepage, showcasing HTML and CSS skills. This project aims to mimic the layout and design of Google's iconic search interface, focusing on responsive design and clean coding practices. Perfect for practicing web development fundamentals and understanding modern UI
fix the alignments of the textarea and the icons in the website
make the SVG icons i.e magnifying glass, search by image, search by voice clickable
fix viewport - viewport doesn't align correctly when zooming in and out on mobile devices
add links to the language offered section of the website per languages
add some type of iframe on the class = "SVG_googleapps" and "header-googleaccount" upon clicking on the svg icon..(googled it and it refers to a modal or lightbox. Need to investigate)
A front-end replica of the Google homepage, showcasing HTML and CSS skills. This project aims to mimic the layout and design of Google's iconic search interface, focusing on responsive design and clean coding practices. Perfect for practicing web development fundamentals and understanding modern UI