PaolaArdon / Salt-Pepper

Robotics Project
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There was a problem loading the calibration file. Check the URL! #1

Closed chenhui1025 closed 5 years ago

chenhui1025 commented 7 years ago


When I run $rosrun ORB_SLAM2 RGBD /home/turtlebot/orb_slam2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.bin /home/turtlebot/orb_slam2/Examples/RGB-D/pepperCameraSettings.yaml false. There is no image in ORB_SLAM2:Map Viewer or ORB_SLAM2:Current frame.However there are some error in the terminal that I run $roslaunch pepper_bringup pepper_full_py.launch nao_ip:= roscore_ip:= . [INFO] [WallTime: 1495527611.363963] reconfigure changed [INFO] [WallTime: 1495527611.364529] subscribed to camera proxy, since this is the first camera [INFO] [WallTime: 1495527611.375039] updating camera source information [INFO] [WallTime: 1495527611.375651] no valid camera calibration file found [INFO] [WallTime: 1495527611.376092] camera calibration URL: file:///home/turtlebot/.ros/camera_info/nao_camera.yaml [ERROR] [WallTime: 1495527611.376594] There was a problem loading the calibration file. Check the URL! PS:I can view the image from rviz Hope for your answer. Thanks a lot.

chenhui1025 commented 7 years ago

I copy the nao_camera_top-640*480.yaml to URL: file:///home/turtlebot/.ros/camera_info/nao_camera.yaml there is no wrong in pepper_bring terminal: [INFO] [WallTime: 1495531170.460287] reconfigure changed [INFO] [WallTime: 1495531170.460958] subscribed to camera proxy, since this is the first camera [INFO] [WallTime: 1495531170.537999] updating camera source information [INFO] [WallTime: 1495531170.538710] no valid camera calibration file found [INFO] [WallTime: 1495531170.539264] camera calibration URL: file:///home/turtlebot/.ros/camera_info/nao_camera.yaml [INFO] [WallTime: 1495531170.560160] Successfully loaded camera info [INFO] [WallTime: 1495531171.224173] updating camera source information However there still no image in ORB_SLAM2:Map Viewer or ORB_SLAM2:Current frame.

pianoza commented 7 years ago

Hi @chenhui1025, We don't have an access to the pepper robot now, and the following 2-3 weeks we'll be loaded with other projects. I'll check the issue when I get some time. For now, you could try to run the ORB_SLAM2 separately (with your webcam), without linking it to any robot, and start working around from there. Cheers!

chenhui1025 commented 7 years ago

Hi @pianoza Thanks for reply. Do you still remember you get the camera calibration yaml yourself or use the nao_camera.yaml in package naoqi_sensor_py. Cheers!

pengsongyou commented 7 years ago

@chenhui1025 Hi. We calibrated the RGB camera by ourselves with the help of OpenCV. However, if I was not mistaken, ORB-SLAM was still working even before the calibration, right? @pianoza

pianoza commented 7 years ago

@pengsongyou yes, it should work. @chenhui1025, the calibration only affects the 3D reconstruction, so it should work with nao_camera.yaml config with no problem (of course the accuracy will suffer if the camera is not calibrated).

chenhui1025 commented 7 years ago

@pengsongyou @pianoza Thanks !I will try the ORB_SLAM2 with my RGB-D camera . I was confused with the code in line 76: message_filters::Subscriber rgb_sub(nh, "/camera/image_raw",is the topic "/camera/image_raw" right?Why not be "/pepper_robot/camera/front/camera/image_raw" if we link it to pepper.

chenhui1025 commented 7 years ago

@pianoza Hi, sorry for disturbing you again. I have tried my RGB-D camera with the original ORB_SLAM2 by raulmur and the modified ORB_SLAM2 by your team. However it's OK with the original one and it's still no image with your's . I run $rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph and I get the same result. So I wonder if there something wrong with the command: $ rosrun ORB_SLAM2 RGBD /home/xx/orb_slam2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.bin /home/xx/orb_slam2/Examples/RGB-/pepperCameraSettings.yaml false.Thanks a lot .

pianoza commented 7 years ago

@chenhui1025, probably you're trying to subscribe to non-existing rostopics. Make sure that the names of the topics are correct for the following lines (in Check all the .lunch files as well, there are some mappings of the topic names (don't remember which .lunch file exactly).

message_filters::Subscriber rgb_sub(nh, "/camera/image_raw", 1); message_filters::Subscriber depth_sub(nh, "/pepper_robot/camera/depth/camera/image_raw", 1); message_filters::Subscriber recog_sub(nh, "/recog", 1);

Also, note that the depth and rgb images must be synchronized (i.e. must have the same timestamp in headers of the messages).

chenhui1025 commented 7 years ago

@pianoza ,I have checked rostopics . There is no error with topic and I succeed to run ORB_SLAM2(Raul Mul) with pepper. What confused me most is that I cannot run the ORB_SLAM2 from your github.

chenhui1025 commented 7 years ago

@pianoza Can you show me the command for building map. My command is:$rosrun ORB_SLAM2 RGBD /home/xx/orb_slam2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.bin /home/xx/orb_slam2/Examples/RGB-/pepperCameraSettings.yaml false. Is it anything wrong with that?

chenhui1025 commented 7 years ago

Hi ,@pengsongyou @pianoza, how do you deal with the problem that too much delay between pepper and pc. In my pc there are about several seconds per frame. Thanks a lot.