PapaCharlie9 / insane-limits

PRoCon plugin Insane Limits by micovery
10 stars 9 forks source link

config is gone after Proconlayer restart #51

Open mambochambo opened 8 years ago

mambochambo commented 8 years ago

hello- all my configs are gone- after Procon layer restart. Can anybody help me to fix that?

Best Regards

ColColonCleaner commented 8 years ago

This can happen with insane limits rarely. Please use one of your backups to bring back the configuration.

mambochambo commented 8 years ago

How can i do it? restoring the backup?

Razer2015 commented 8 years ago

Does the same thing that worked for me work for you?

mambochambo commented 8 years ago

thanks for your help, but it still keeps resetting after each procon restart

Razer2015 commented 8 years ago

Any chance you could share a few files so I can take a look and maybe spot the problem?

File 1: /Configs/server_ip_server_port/InsaneLimits.cfg File 2: /Plugins/game/InsaneLimits_server_ip_server_port.conf

And maybe a picture of the /Plugins/game/ -content (Anything related to Insane Limits). For example: I now have two conf files because the old one is there aswell. Do you have more than one?

I know thought that since you've been loosing your settings. Maybe start from scratch? Delete the (or rename to for example ".old") "File 1" and "File 2" I pointed into above -> reboot procon -> set your limits -> reboot procon -> did they reset or stay?

mambochambo commented 8 years ago

ok- thanks for your help- i really appriciate it i cant attach that file type, so i post the content below: insanelimits.cfg ///////////////////////////////////////////// // This config will be overwritten by procon. ///////////////////////////////////////////// procon.protected.plugins.enable "InsaneLimits" False procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "virtual_mode" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "save_limits" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "load_limits" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_white_list" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_direct_fetch" "BASE64:VHJ1ZQ==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_weapon_stats" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_slow_weapon_stats" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_stats_log" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_custom_lists" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_custom_smtp" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_custom_storage" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_custom_twitter" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_setup_account" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_reset_defaults" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "use_custom_privacy_policy" "BASE64:RmFsc2U=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "auto_hide_sections" "BASE64:VHJ1ZQ==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "smtp_ssl" "BASE64:VHJ1ZQ==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "say_interval" "BASE64:MCwwNQ==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "update_interval" "BASE64:NjA=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "delete_limit" "BASE64:MA==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "delete_list" "BASE64:MA==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "auto_load_interval" "BASE64:MTIw" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "debug_level" "BASE64:Mw==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "smtp_port" "BASE64:NTg3" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "wait_timeout" "BASE64:MzA=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "clan_white_list" "BASE64:Y2xhbjEsIGNsYW4yLCBjbGFuMw==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "player_white_list" "BASE64:bWljb3ZlcnksIHBsYXllcjIsIHBsYXllcjM=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "new_limit" "BASE64:Li4u" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "new_list" "BASE64:Li4u" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "compile_limit" "BASE64:Li4u" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "limits_file" "BASE64:UGx1Z2luc1xCRjRcSW5zYW5lTGltaXRzXzUuMTAxLjE2NS41NV8zMjMwMC5jb25m" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "console" "BASE64:VHlwZSBhIGNvbW1hbmQgaGVyZSB0byB0ZXN0" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "smtp_host" "BASE64:c210cC5nbWFpbC5jb20=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "smtp_account" "BASE64:cHJvY29uLmluc2FuZS5saW1pdHNAZ21haWwuY29t" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "smtp_mail" "BASE64:cHJvY29uLmluc2FuZS5saW1pdHNAZ21haWwuY29t" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "smtp_password" "BASE64:dG90YWxseWluc2FuZQ==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_verifier_pin" "BASE64:TmF2aWdhdGUgdG8gVHdpdHRlcidzIGF1dGhvcml6YXRpb24gc2l0ZSB0byBvYnRhaW4gdGhlIFBJTg==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_consumer_key" "BASE64:VVNRbVBqWE8zQkZMRGZXeUxvQXgwZw==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_consumer_secret" "BASE64:VUJwcTdVTHJmYVhlMXhMRkw0eG5Bb0JGblEwR1ZzUDJ0ZEpYSVJkTGJWQQ==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_access_token" "BASE64:NDc1NTU4MTk1LWgxRElJMWRhcVVqdksxS0o4eDVDRDl0YVRJZXVEcTlKcU1nUWtHdmE=" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_access_token_secret" "BASE64:THZIandHTVFUZkUwZjU5a1JCa0UxdEJqc3o0S1loeWg2cHpTNGlDZGt4QQ==" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_user_id" "BASE64:NDc1NTU4MTk1" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "twitter_screen_name" "BASE64:SW5zYW5lTGltaXRz" procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "rcon_to_battlelog_codes" ""


This config file is empty since the procon restart...

Razer2015 commented 8 years ago

Your InsaneLimits.cfg points to this file: Plugins\BF4\InsaneLimits_5.101.165.55_32300.conf and you say your config file is Plugins\BF4\InsaneLimits_5.101.165.165_28300.conf

I assume is your current server ip and 28300 is your port?

I changed the limits_file to match InsaneLimits_5.101.165.165_28300.conf in the attached InsaneLimits.cfg. Try if it works with that?


Also it seems like it doesn't allow upload because of the extension.


Do you happen to have other InsaneLimits???????.conf files in your Plugins/BF4 -directory?

mambochambo commented 8 years ago

my current ip adress is: i have 6 config files in the bf4 pluginfolder

Razer2015 commented 8 years ago

You can skip to the "Method 2" part below:

Ok, so port 28200 or 28300 is the correct? The InsaneLimits.cfg I uploaded yesterday is using 28300. Just remove the "_notuploadingbecauseextension.pdf" from the end. It's there just so that it got uploaded.

28300: InsaneLimits.cfg_28300 Or alternatively replace the "limits_file" -line with this from your current InsaneLimits.cfg: procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "limits_file" "BASE64:UGx1Z2luc1xCRjRcSW5zYW5lTGltaXRzXzUuMTAxLjE2NS4xNjVfMjgzMDAuY29uZg=="

It's your new ip and port file Base64 encoded: il_fixed_path

28200: InsaneLimits.cfg_28200 Or alternatively replace the "limits_file" -line with this from your current InsaneLimits.cfg: procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "limits_file" "BASE64:UGx1Z2luc1xCRjRcSW5zYW5lTGltaXRzXzUuMTAxLjE2NS4xNjVfMjgyMDAuY29uZg=="

It's your new ip and port file Base64 encoded: il_fixed_path2

After you have done that do either:

  1. Reboot procon
  2. Set your limits
  3. Reboot procon and the limits should be there and stay after future reboots

or if you still have a backup of the limits (the other conf files you have)

  1. Rename one of them to InsaneLimits_5.101.165.165_28300.conf or InsaneLimits_5.101.165.165_28200.conf whichever is the correct one.
  2. Reboot procon
  3. Limits should be there and stay after future reboots

Method 2:

I did some experiments and I think this fixes the file automatically for you: il_code_fix

Remove the ".txt" from the end. InsaneLimits.cs.txt

What it basically does is compare the current ip and port file to the one in InsaneLimits.cfg and if they don't match, it copies the old conf file to match the new ip and port and also updates them inside the InsaneLimits.cfg.