PapaJoesSoup / BDArmory

Gun turrets and other weapon systems for KSP
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RCS Analysis rendering VAB #575

Open Gh0stReaper123 opened 5 years ago

Gh0stReaper123 commented 5 years ago
KSP and BDA Version

Windows 10 Home


The RCS analysis will use the floor of the VAB in the analysis and image. i.e the image will show the reflection of the craft and the VAB.

Create a craft and use the RCS Analysis Tool. ##### Log Files


Gh0stReaper123 commented 5 years ago

Edit: I think the bug is on line 202 of RadarUtils.cs in radar folder. Haven't tested yet but I think if that is lowered, the range would be too low for a raycast to hit the VAB floor thus the VAB isn't rendered in the analysis tool.

Edit 2: line 309 and 310 is more likely to be the issue. Currently testing.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Negative, this wont affect anything except totally skewing the cross section calculation. The VAB is not rendered because the render camera's culling mask is fixed to layer 0. The bug you are experiencing is related to something else, please provide a more detailed reproduction instruction and sample craft.

Gh0stReaper123 commented 5 years ago

I will need a bit of time to test and be sure (as I can be) that it is BDArmory that is the issue.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Is your vessel particularly huge (aircraft carrier parts maybe)? Or is it "sunk" into the VAB ground?

I know I have seen the behaviour you describe before, just somewhat randomly appearing/disappearing, so if you can consistently reproduce it I am very interested!

Gh0stReaper123 commented 5 years ago

It happened consistently with any craft in the VAB regardless of size and never clipped into the VAB floor. A way I got around this is to rotate the craft towards the VAB doors to just before 45 degrees. This meant that a minimum amount of the RCS analysis was rendered onto the floor due to the current rendering model. Just re-installing KSP and BDArmory to see if the bug is still present.

Edit: Me being me decided it would be a great idea to uninstall the game without backing it up. shamefully twiddles thumbs

Edit 2: I've reinstalled and everything is where it was. Testing now.

Gh0stReaper123 commented 5 years ago

After I re-installed, I installed BDArmory, BDArmory Core and Physics Range Extender

Screenshots here (including folders):

Log Here:

ghost commented 5 years ago

Will check your screenshots later in detail, but as a quick tip: are you sure you installed BDarmory correctly from the release download (here or on spacedock)?

  1. You should never have to "install Bdarmory core", it is just an included assembly!
  2. You should never have a folder structure like "GameData\BDArmory\Distribution\BDarmory...." -> that would be a sign you installed the source code, not a release build!

Edit: your installation looks indeed incorrect, seems you have installed the source code directly. Please try again with a clean release install, using the releases github page or the spacedock download.

Gh0stReaper123 commented 5 years ago

I have made a clean install of KSP with all dependencies and BDA installed (hopefully) correctly. Screenshot:

Gh0stReaper123 commented 5 years ago

Also, this bug has been reported before just this time in the VAB.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Looks better, judging from the screesnhot. Please do this:

Gh0stReaper123 commented 5 years ago


ghost commented 5 years ago

Excellent! And I finally understand: the problem is really only in the VAB (like you said in the first place... duh), not in the SPH. My bad. Will try to identify root cause & fix!