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Gun turrets and other weapon systems for KSP
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[Bug Report] Cutaway visual glitch #698

Open FireheartIndustries opened 5 years ago

FireheartIndustries commented 5 years ago

KSP 1.7.0 BDAc 1.3.1

Windows 10, 64 bit

This is a bug I've encountered before with BDAc. Not sure if it's this or Physics Range Extender precisely. When playing for a while, sometimes your craft wont render properly when zooming in slightly, getting visually cut away until completely missing. (See image)

aircraft cutaway

I flew a large craft without issue, left the game running for quite a while (Over 18 hours in my case) and came back. I created a new small drone, took off, and after a few minutes of flying, moved the camera in a bit, and it vanished. I zoomed out, and at a certain range, it started loading in.

Gedas-S commented 5 years ago

This is physics range extender modifying the near clip range of the camera.

Iirc it is configurable somewhere, but I don't remember where exactly from the top of my head. Also iirc it was done to prevent an annoying shadow flickering effect, so you might want to keep it this way. :)

FireheartIndustries commented 5 years ago

Oh, no I still get that sometimes too. At least I think that's what it is. the black and white of the textures act like they are struggling over which to show (kinda like z-buffer flickering) after a few minutes into a flight with PRE installed.

I remember someone saying that it's a memory thing or something. Had this bug happen again a minute ago with a larger craft. it's weird when half your plane (and the ground you've landed on) looks like a cutaway diagram in a textbook lol

jrodrigv commented 5 years ago

This is by design. Not an issue. The camera clipping is a mechanism to minimize the lights and textures flickering

jrodrigv commented 5 years ago

In fact PRE displays a info message each 30seconds to inform the user about what is going on