Closed bu763 closed 9 years ago
Which version of go are you using?
Using Go 1.5 on a Mac this builds OK.
alec thank you so much.
I have used the version of 1.4.2, now I have downloaded the version of 1.5. I hope it works. I will try go 1.5 later.
Fanli Bu
I tried in go 1.5, but the same question occurred.
Godeps_workspace\src\\p\winsvc\mgr\service.go:8:2: C source file s not allowed when not using cgo or SWIG: sys.c godep: go exit status 1
the file "\silver\build\windows\updater.exe" had been built, but service.exe can be built.
Fanli Bu
You'll need to build with go1.3 for the code base to work as it stands. I'm in the process of updating the code to work with 1.4/1.5.
Dear Chris
I am Fanli Bu. I really appeciated for your help.I will build silver in go 1.3. If you have update the silver source code, please let me know.
Regards Fanli Bu
Hi Fanli,
I've updated the code to work correctly under 1.4. Please pull the update and build again with
go run make.go
hello chris
I have pull the update and tested with go run make.go, it is ok. I have built the service.exe, service_no_http.exe, updater.exe.
Then I will wrap a sample java application service. I hope it will work.
Regards Fanli Bu
I'll close the issue. Please reopen it if needed.
I met a problem about silver and had been trying two day without progress.
I got the source of silver, alse setup go lang in my pc.
Then I executed "go run make.go setup" without any error, when I executed "go run make.go",
The error msg was "Godeps_workspace\src\\p\winsvc\mgr\service.go:8:2: C source files not allowed when not using cgo: sys.c."
I set CGO_ENABLED=1 ,but it didn't work.
Using cgo seems necessary during "go run make.go", but I could not how to use cgo, are there any clue for solving it?
Windows edition : Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit
This is my environment varibles in pc. -----------------env begin------------------- set GOARCH=386 set GOBIN= set GOCHAR=8 set GOEXE=.exe set GOHOSTARCH=386 set GOHOSTOS=windows set GOOS=windows set GOPATH=C:\go_path;D:\mygo; set GORACE= set GOROOT=C:\Go set GOTOOLDIR=C:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_386 set CC=gcc set GOGCCFLAGS=-m32 -mthreads -fmessage-length=0 set CXX=g++ set CGO_ENABLED=1 -----------------env end-------------------