PaperCutSoftware / teleportme

Connect people through a portal - Transport your inter-offices, meeting room, or common area communication across large distances with an automated FaceTime video portal.
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script fails to initiate call #12

Closed chrisjscott closed 9 years ago

chrisjscott commented 9 years ago

Using 10.10.3 w/ Facetime v3.0, the:

tell application "System Events" keystroke return end tell

in make_facetime_call() fails to initiate the call - manually pressing the return key also fails. Any thoughts?

alecthegeek commented 9 years ago

We have not upgraded our portal system to X.10.3 so we are not yet seeing this. I'll have a look, but it will take a bit of time.

codedance commented 9 years ago

Yes. 10.10 is a known problem. This is related to #9 . We haven't yet solved it.

There may be something we can do through the "accessibility" API to automate the calling process. I'll see if we can book out some time over the next week or so and done a bit more R&D. At the moment our recommendation is to stick with 10.9.