PaperMC / Folia

Fork of Paper which adds regionised multithreading to the dedicated server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Chat message validation failure #212

Open FunixG opened 4 months ago

FunixG commented 4 months ago

Expected behavior

I am sending a message to a player with player.sendMessage(Component) and sometimes (not always) the player is kicked because it can't sign the message. For instance the message sended contains clickable command text. It only occus when the component built contains click events or hover events

Observed/Actual behavior

The player is kicked on the message reception and the console shows that :

[11:13:47 WARN]: Failed to validate message acknowledgements from Seenty1 [11:13:47 INFO]: Seenty1 lost connection: Chat message validation failure

Steps/models to reproduce

Send a message to a player with a plugin, you need to try multiples times. My source code is in other part

Plugin and Datapack List

Only custom plugins

[11:45:36 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins: [11:45:36 INFO]: - CoreProtect, PacifistaMain, PacifistaSurvie, voicechat

Folia version

[11:45:47 INFO]: Checking version, please wait... [11:45:47 INFO]: This server is running Folia version git-Folia-"ef2c697" (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: ef2c697) You are running the latest version Previous version: git-Paper-463 (MC: 1.20.4)


Here is the source code :

final Component message = this.buildMessage(pageDTO, player);
player.getScheduler().run(getPlugin(), s3 -> player.sendMessage(message), null);

The buildMessage method

    private Component buildMessage(final PageDTO<DTO> pageDTO, final Player sender) throws PacifistaException, PluginException {
        final List<DTO> content = pageDTO.getContent();
        final TextComponent.Builder message = Component.text()

        int added = 0;
        Component tmp;

        for (final DTO dto : content) {
            tmp = this.getDTOComponentLine(dto, sender);
            if (tmp != null) {
                if (this.showIndex) {
                    tmp = Component.text(this.getIndex(pageDTO, content.indexOf(dto)) + ". - ", NamedTextColor.GRAY).append(tmp);


        if (added == 0) {
            message.append(Component.text("Aucun élément trouvé.", NamedTextColor.RED));
        } else {



Here is the pagination builder where the clicks events occurs

    private Component buildPagination(final PageDTO<DTO> pageDTO) {
        final int totalPages = pageDTO.getTotalPages();
        final int currentPage = pageDTO.getActualPage();
        final TextComponent.Builder pagination = Component.text();

        if (currentPage > 0) {
            pagination.append(Component.text("⏪  ", NamedTextColor.GREEN, TextDecoration.BOLD)
                    .clickEvent(ClickEvent.clickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/" + this.commandName + " " + (currentPage - 1)))
                    .hoverEvent(Component.text("Page précédente", NamedTextColor.GRAY)));

        pagination.append(Component.text("Page ", NamedTextColor.GRAY))
                .append(Component.text(currentPage + 1, NamedTextColor.GOLD))
                .append(Component.text(" / ", NamedTextColor.GRAY))
                .append(Component.text(totalPages, NamedTextColor.GOLD));

        if (currentPage < totalPages - 1) {
            pagination.append(Component.text("  ⏩", NamedTextColor.GREEN, TextDecoration.BOLD)
                    .clickEvent(ClickEvent.clickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/" + this.commandName + " " + (currentPage + 1)))
                    .hoverEvent(Component.text("Page suivante", NamedTextColor.GRAY)));

electronicboy commented 4 months ago

Are you using a proxy?

FunixG commented 4 months ago

Yes ! Velocity with geyser and floodgate, here is the start logs

[09:35:28 INFO]: Booting up Velocity 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-3bce4d85-b374)...
[09:35:28 INFO]: Loading localizations...
[09:35:28 INFO]: Connections will use epoll channels, libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression, OpenSSL 1.1.x (Linux x86_64) ciphers
[09:35:28 INFO]: Loading plugins...
[09:35:31 WARN] [floodgate]: en_ is not a supported Floodgate language.
[09:35:31 INFO] [floodgate]: Took 130ms to boot Floodgate
[09:35:31 INFO]: Loaded plugin floodgate 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (b96-7f38765) by GeyserMC
[09:35:31 INFO]: Loaded plugin geyser 2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (git-master-29bd896) by GeyserMC
[09:35:31 INFO] [PacifistaHttpInfos]: Http server loaded on port 25550
[09:35:31 INFO]: Loaded plugin pacifista-main 1.0.0 by Funix
[09:35:31 INFO]: Loaded plugin pacifista-survie 1.0.0 by Funix
[09:35:31 INFO]: Loaded 4 plugins
[09:35:31 WARN]: The server channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[09:35:31 WARN]: The backend channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[09:35:31 INFO] [geyser]: Loading extensions...
[09:35:31 INFO] [geyser]: Loaded 0 extension(s)
[09:35:31 INFO] [PacifistaPlugin]: 🔧 Ajout du module SanctionModule...
[09:35:31 INFO] [PacifistaPlugin]: 🔧 Ajout du module PlayersDataModule...
[09:35:31 INFO] [PacifistaPlugin]: 🔧 Ajout du module PermissionsModule...
[09:35:31 INFO] [PacifistaHttpInfos]: Http server started.
[09:35:32 INFO] [PacifistaPlugin]: 🔧 Ajout du module JobsModule...
[09:35:32 INFO] [JobsTasksModule]: Loaded 1 tasks
[09:35:32 INFO] [JobsTasksModule]: Loaded 1 workers
[09:35:32 INFO]: Listening on /[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0]:25565
[09:35:32 INFO] [geyser]: ******************************************
[09:35:32 INFO] [geyser]: 
[09:35:32 INFO] [geyser]: Loading Geyser version 2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (git-master-29bd896)
[09:35:32 INFO] [geyser]: 
[09:35:32 INFO] [geyser]: ******************************************
[09:35:32 INFO]: Done (3.91s)!
FunixG commented 4 months ago

Little precision, the player is kicked only when he clicks on the message event.