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Item datacomponent api #10845

Open Owen1212055 opened 1 month ago

Owen1212055 commented 1 month ago
- [x] re-implement methods on ItemStack to use the data component API (hasEnchant, setEnchant, etc.)
- [ ] decide what types actually need builders. Wrappers for a simple int like CustomModelData or MapId don't need separate builders
- [ ] javadocs for everything (all methods on all data component value objects)
- [ ]
- [ ] ensure "DataComponent" name is consistent
- [ ] LockCode should it require a lock code be set?
- [ ] MapDecorations expose full map?
- [ ] ItemArmorTrim or just add tooltip to existing ArmorTrim
- [ ] provide empty constants where appropriate via static methods?
- [ ] expose the concept of "filtered" for both book types?
- [ ] `minecraft:custom_data`, expose or not? Just that one, not the other entity/block CustomData ones
- [ ] provide a mutable way to change already existing complex component like ItemEnchantments.Mutable?