PaperMC / Paper

The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
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Attempted to place a tile entity where there was no tile entity. #1143

Closed JackCosens closed 6 years ago

JackCosens commented 6 years ago

Link/paste of stack trace

Plugin list: (102)

AJGamingPlaytime, AJMarriage, AJNickname, AJRankFix, AJReview, AJRoleplay, AlqWhatToBuild, AntiAFKPlus, AntiArmorStandExploit, AntiHackedPotions, AntiWDL, ArmorStandTools, Battleship, BetterBrushes, BetterChairs, BKCommonLib, BookExploitFix, BuildersUtilities, BuycraftX, ChatLog, ChatReaction, ChestCommands, ChunkFixer, ClearChat, ConsoleSpamFix, CustomJoinMessagesPlus, CustomList, DeluxeChat, DeluxeCommands, DeluxeMenus, DiceFurniture, DonorBroadcast, EditableSign, EpicRename, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FeatherBoard, FurnitureLib, GameBox, GemCrush, goBrush, goPaint, HeadDatabase, HideAndCustomPlugins, Holograms, icJukeBox, ImageOnMap, LibsDisguises, LogicPuzzles, LuckPerms, MapManager, MegaElytra, MessageAnnouncer, Minesweeper, MiniaturePets, MP-GameBundle, MsgColor, Multiverse-Core, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, MyWarp, nextRotate, NoPortals, NoRain, PacketListenerApi, PermissionTimer, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerReset, Playtime, PlotSquared, PlugMan, ProtectionLib, ProtocolLib, RedstoneClockDetector, RockPaperScissors, SignSpy, SimpleAlias, SimpleAPI, Skript, SkullExploitPatch, SpectateTeleport, Statz, StopPotions, Tablist, TabRanks, TokenManager, TrailGUI, Vault, VaultTest, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, VirtualAnvil, VoteRoulette, Votifier, VoxelSniper, WhacAMole, WorldBorder, WorldEdit, WorldGuard

Actions to reproduce (if known):

I am not sure how the issue was caused, it happened a few weeks ago. I originally was on an outdated version of paper and updated to the latest but this did not fix the issue. I have also enabled the " remove-corrupt-tile-entities: true" setting in paper.yml but this did not fix it.

I have reset the chunk of the co-ordinates that it reported it in and even deleted the region file for that chunk but nothing has worked.

Any help would be nice, thanks :)

Paper build number:

[16:45:20 INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-1431 (MC: 1.12.2) (Implementing API version 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [16:45:20 INFO]: Previous version: git-Paper-1415 (MC: 1.12.2) [16:45:20 INFO]: Checking version, please wait...

electronicboy commented 6 years ago

The message itself is harmless and those will generally be removed when the chunks are saved, this error is generally down to plugins modifying the world in an unsafe and inconsistent manner.

JackCosens commented 6 years ago

Is there anyway we can find out what plugin is causing this? Never had the issue before.

I must also add that the server has crashed 6 times today because of this, they are not being removed on save and we dont really have any plugins editing the world in a unsafe and inconsistent manner.

electronicboy commented 6 years ago

You have FastAsyncWorldEdit installed, which is known to have the potential of causing this issue. TEs which are invalid are removed on loading, the server will need to save them so that they're removed fully, beyond that, if something is being ran which is breaking further TEs, or you're still loading chunks with broken TEs in there, you're going to keep hitting the message.

JackCosens commented 6 years ago

So what do you recommend doing going forward to remove these TE's and/or what is causing them to corrupt?

mikroskeem commented 6 years ago

FastAsyncWorldEdit is one known culprit. Copy/paste a lot of TE-s, save and load the world and boom, log is full of TE warnings.