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Deleting lines in configs by itself #6899

Closed newjebv closed 2 years ago

newjebv commented 2 years ago

Stack trace

Unfortunately, the log is too large and I really don't understand what could be causing this problem, so I attach the entire log after which it happened. I'm sorry

Plugin and Datapack List

[10:33:46 INFO]: Plugins (120): AAC5, AdvancedBan, AntiCmds, ArmorSets, ArmorStandTools, AureliumMobs, AureliumSkills, AuthMe, BKCommonLib, BanItem, Bank, BenioApi, BetterHud, BetterRTP, Blacksmith, BlueMap, Boss, BotSentry, Brewery, Builders-Utilities, ChatBubbles, Chatty, ChestCommands, ChestShop, Chunky, Citizens, CitizensText, CleanroomGenerator, CommandAlias, ConsoleSpamFix, Core, CoreProtect, CraftBook, CrazyAuctions, CustomCrafting, DeluxeMentions, DeluxeMenus, DeveloperAPI, DisableSpigotZashel, DiscordNotifier, DoorsReloaded, EcoEnchants, EcoEnchantsGUI, EffectBind, EntityTrackerFixer, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, F3Name, FancyBags, FarmControl, FartherViewDistance, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FirstJoinCommands, FoodReducer, GreenApple, GreenSmiles, HeadDatabase, HolographicDisplays, Instruments, InventoryRollback, ItemEdit, Itemizer, ItemsAdder, KeepItems, Kingdoms, LightAPI, LitePlaytimeRewards, LoneLibs, LuckPerms, Maplands, MidiPlayer, MineSecure, MineableSpawners, MiniMOTD, MiniMessageAnywhere, MoarBows, MoneyHunters, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Portals, NBTAPI, NashornPlus, NexEngine, NoneRP, PacketLimiter, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PlasmoVoice, PlayerWarps, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, Quests, RPGHealthIndicator, ResourcePackDownloader, RestrictedCreative, ServerBooster, ServerUtils, ShowItem, SimpleLay, SimpleSmoke, SkinsRestorer, SlimeFishes, StyleTP, SurvivalInvisiframes, TAB, TeaLimit, TitleManager, TradeSystem, UnixAuth, Vault, ViewDistanceTweaks, VoteRewards, Votifier, WolfyUtilities, WorldBorder, WorldEditSUI, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags, dtlTradersPlus, eco and goBrush

[10:34:27 INFO]: There are 14 data packs enabled: [vanilla (built-in)], [file/bukkit (world)], [file/01-william-wythers-overhauled-overworld-for-1-17 (5).zip (world)], [file/02-william-wythers-caves-and-cliffs-add-on-for-overhauled-ov (1).zip (world)], [file/ (world)], [file/ (world)], [file/ (world)], [file/ (world)], [file/[WL] Custom Beds 1.17 RU v1.0 (1).zip (world)], [file/far-end-ender-expansion-2-0-3-v1-17-1 (1).zip (world)], [file/ (world)], [file/ (world)], [file/ (world)], [file/ (world)] [10:34:27 INFO]: There are no more data packs available

Actions to reproduce (if known)

chrome_11RMYmUDzl 2021-11-05_20 18 46 2021-11-10_11 14 56

This happened in all worlds, on the spawn where empty generation it just made holes (in the screenshot they are repaired so that players do not fall there)

Paper version

You are 7 version(s) behind Download the new version at: Previous version: git-Airplane-103 (MC: 1.17.1)


I really don't understand what this error could have happened, initially I thought because of the kernel, because I was using experimental Airplane builds. When using this kernel, chunks were damaged and were regenerated, and some configs were completely removed up to After that, I installed PAPER expecting this error to go away, but it repeated again and the configs of many plugins were broken and dropped, I also saw from the log that some chunks were damaged. I really do not know what this problem is and I hope for help, because if not you, then who ... I have not met someone like this in my career.

Proximyst commented 2 years ago

Your server ran entirely out of memory. We can't write to files without memory, same with plugins; your world and plugin data may be severely corrupted and you should seek a backup to restore from.