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CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason is null for new players #8828

Closed elmital closed 1 year ago

elmital commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

CreatureSpawnEvent should always return a non null value, by default CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.DEFAULT value.

Observed/Actual behavior

The new players which login for the first time on a server have a null CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason while they haven't disconnected one time.

Steps/models to reproduce

Create a new server with a plugin that listen PlayerJoinEvent and PlayerQuitEvent.

package io.papermc.testplugin;

import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;

public final class TestPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {

    public void onEnable() {
        this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);

    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
    public void onDeathEvent(EntityDeathEvent event) {
        if (!(event.getEntity() instanceof Player))
        System.out.println("Actual spawn reason on death : " + event.getEntity().getEntitySpawnReason());

    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
    public void onConnect(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Actual spawn reason on join : " + event.getPlayer().getEntitySpawnReason());

    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
    public void onDisConnect(PlayerQuitEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Actual spawn reason on quit : " + event.getPlayer().getEntitySpawnReason());

Connect to the server the output is null then disconnect the output will be null too. Re-connect to the server the outputs will be DEFAULT value.

[17:01:45 INFO]: Time elapsed: 100 ms
[17:01:45 INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
[17:01:45 INFO]: Done (13.614s)! For help, type "help"
[17:01:45 INFO]: Timings Reset
[17:02:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [Paper-Test-Plugin] [STDOUT] Actual spawn reason on join : null
[17:02:58] [Server thread/WARN]: Nag author(s): '[PaperMC]' of 'Paper-Test-Plugin' about their usage of System.out/err.print. Please use your plugin's logger instead (JavaPlugin#getLogger).
[17:02:58] [Server thread/INFO]: elmito joined the game
[17:02:58] [Server thread/INFO]: elmito[/] logged in with entity id 198 at ([world]6.5, 68.0, 10.5)
[17:03:02 INFO]: elmito lost connection: Disconnected
[17:03:02 INFO]: [Paper-Test-Plugin] [STDOUT] Actual spawn reason on quit : null
[17:03:02 INFO]: elmito left the game
[17:03:14 INFO]: UUID of player elmito is c84e2a88-ef05-4c78-9631-5797c9da8e3e
[17:03:14 INFO]: [Paper-Test-Plugin] [STDOUT] Actual spawn reason on join : DEFAULT
[17:03:14 INFO]: elmito joined the game
[17:03:14 INFO]: elmito[/] logged in with entity id 448 at ([world]6.5, 68.0, 10.5)

Plugin and Datapack List

Test plugin

Paper version

This server is running Paper version null (MC: 1.19.3) (Implementing API version 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 4d7269e)


My first assemption about the issue was totally wrong so to avoid to open a new PR for nothing I let here a fix that I've tested. If and it's okay for you I can open a PR.

Output for step model after the fix :

[17:18:47 INFO]: Time elapsed: 96 ms
[17:18:47 INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
[17:18:47 INFO]: Done (11.986s)! For help, type "help"
[17:20:01 INFO]: [Paper-Test-Plugin] [STDOUT] Actual spawn reason on join : DEFAULT
[17:20:01 WARN]: Nag author(s): '[PaperMC]' of 'Paper-Test-Plugin' about their usage of System.out/err.print. Please use your plugin's logger instead (JavaPlugin#getLogger).
[17:20:01 INFO]: elmito joined the game
[17:20:01 INFO]: elmito[/] logged in with entity id 188 at ([world]-284.5, 69.0, 70.5)
[17:20:12 INFO]: elmito lost connection: Disconnected
[17:20:12 INFO]: [Paper-Test-Plugin] [STDOUT] Actual spawn reason on quit : DEFAULT
[17:20:12 INFO]: elmito left the game
[17:20:21 INFO]: UUID of player elmito is c84e2a88-ef05-4c78-9631-5797c9da8e3e
[17:20:21 INFO]: [Paper-Test-Plugin] [STDOUT] Actual spawn reason on join : DEFAULT
[17:20:21 INFO]: elmito joined the game
[17:20:21 INFO]: elmito[/] logged in with entity id 317 at ([world]-284.5, 69.0, 70.5)

Here is my proposal in PlayerList class

Before :

public void placeNewPlayer(Connection connection, ServerPlayer player) {
        player.isRealPlayer = true; // Paper
        player.loginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Paper
        GameProfile gameprofile = player.getGameProfile();
        GameProfileCache usercache = this.server.getProfileCache();
        Optional<GameProfile> optional = usercache.get(gameprofile.getId());
        String s = (String);

        CompoundTag nbttagcompound = this.load(player);
        ResourceKey resourcekey;
        // CraftBukkit start - Better rename detection
        if (nbttagcompound != null && nbttagcompound.contains("bukkit")) {
            CompoundTag bukkit = nbttagcompound.getCompound("bukkit");
            s = bukkit.contains("lastKnownName", 8) ? bukkit.getString("lastKnownName") : s;
        // CraftBukkit end

        // Paper start - move logic in Entity to here, to use bukkit supplied world UUID.
        if (nbttagcompound != null && nbttagcompound.contains("WorldUUIDMost") && nbttagcompound.contains("WorldUUIDLeast")) {
            UUID uid = new UUID(nbttagcompound.getLong("WorldUUIDMost"), nbttagcompound.getLong("WorldUUIDLeast"));
            org.bukkit.World bWorld = org.bukkit.Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(uid);
            if (bWorld != null) {
                resourcekey = ((CraftWorld) bWorld).getHandle().dimension();
            } else {
                resourcekey = Level.OVERWORLD;
        } else if (nbttagcompound != null) {
            // Vanilla migration support
            // Paper end
            DataResult<ResourceKey<Level>> dataresult = DimensionType.parseLegacy(new Dynamic(NbtOps.INSTANCE, nbttagcompound.get("Dimension"))); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
            Logger logger = PlayerList.LOGGER;

            resourcekey = (ResourceKey) dataresult.resultOrPartial(logger::error).orElse(Level.OVERWORLD);
        } else {
            resourcekey = Level.OVERWORLD;

        ResourceKey<Level> resourcekey1 = resourcekey;
        ServerLevel worldserver = this.server.getLevel(resourcekey1);
        ServerLevel worldserver1;

        if (worldserver == null) {
            PlayerList.LOGGER.warn("Unknown respawn dimension {}, defaulting to overworld", resourcekey1);
            worldserver1 = this.server.overworld();
        } else {
            worldserver1 = worldserver;

        if (nbttagcompound == null) player.fudgeSpawnLocation(worldserver1); // Paper - only move to spawn on first login, otherwise, stay where you are....


After :

public void placeNewPlayer(Connection connection, ServerPlayer player) {
        player.isRealPlayer = true; // Paper
        player.loginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Paper
        GameProfile gameprofile = player.getGameProfile();
        GameProfileCache usercache = this.server.getProfileCache();
        Optional<GameProfile> optional = usercache.get(gameprofile.getId());
        String s = (String);

        CompoundTag nbttagcompound = this.load(player);
        ResourceKey resourcekey;
        // CraftBukkit start - Better rename detection
        if (nbttagcompound != null && nbttagcompound.contains("bukkit")) {
            CompoundTag bukkit = nbttagcompound.getCompound("bukkit");
            s = bukkit.contains("lastKnownName", 8) ? bukkit.getString("lastKnownName") : s;
        // CraftBukkit end

        // Paper start - move logic in Entity to here, to use bukkit supplied world UUID.
        if (nbttagcompound != null && nbttagcompound.contains("WorldUUIDMost") && nbttagcompound.contains("WorldUUIDLeast")) {
            UUID uid = new UUID(nbttagcompound.getLong("WorldUUIDMost"), nbttagcompound.getLong("WorldUUIDLeast"));
            org.bukkit.World bWorld = org.bukkit.Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(uid);
            if (bWorld != null) {
                resourcekey = ((CraftWorld) bWorld).getHandle().dimension();
            } else {
                resourcekey = Level.OVERWORLD;
        } else if (nbttagcompound != null) {
            // Vanilla migration support
            // Paper end
            DataResult<ResourceKey<Level>> dataresult = DimensionType.parseLegacy(new Dynamic(NbtOps.INSTANCE, nbttagcompound.get("Dimension"))); // CraftBukkit - decompile error
            Logger logger = PlayerList.LOGGER;

            resourcekey = (ResourceKey) dataresult.resultOrPartial(logger::error).orElse(Level.OVERWORLD);
        } else {
            resourcekey = Level.OVERWORLD;

        ResourceKey<Level> resourcekey1 = resourcekey;
        ServerLevel worldserver = this.server.getLevel(resourcekey1);
        ServerLevel worldserver1;

        if (worldserver == null) {
            PlayerList.LOGGER.warn("Unknown respawn dimension {}, defaulting to overworld", resourcekey1);
            worldserver1 = this.server.overworld();
        } else {
            worldserver1 = worldserver;

        // Paper start - set Player SpawnReason to DEFAULT on first login
        if (nbttagcompound == null) {
            player.fudgeSpawnLocation(worldserver1); // Paper - only move to spawn on first login, otherwise, stay where you are....
            player.spawnReason = CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.DEFAULT;
        // Paper end

electronicboy commented 1 year ago

I'll have to look when I get back to my desk, but, the spawn reason of the entity being transported should be retained, last I looked the logic for persisting the spawn reason was especially fragile around stuff like entity teleports and spawners, I had ideas for a better fix around this stuff but have completely forgot what all I said

On Sun, 5 Feb 2023, 15:50 elmital, @.***> wrote:

Expected behavior

Some getters in Entity, LivingEntity, CreatureSpawnEvent,... for the SpawnReason of an entity are annoted as @NotNull and should return not null results, by default it seems that if a SpawnReason wasn't set it should return CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.DEFAULT value. Observed/Actual behavior

Actually sometimes these methods return null results like in the logs here:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent$SpawnReason.equals(Object)" because the return value of "org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity.getEntitySpawnReason()" is null at me.elmital.customplugin.Listeners.onEntityKilled( ~[customplugin-1.0.0.jar:?] at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor202.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Paper-380] at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R2.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerDeathEvent( ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-380] at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer.die( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer.hurt( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tickNonPassenger( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.lambda$tick$6( ~[?:?] at ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-380] at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren( ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-380] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren( ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-380] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer( ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-380] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-380] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-380] at ~[?:?]

### Steps/models to reproduce

I experienced these bugs when players are killed and a PlayerDeathEvent listener try to get the org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity.getEntitySpawnReason(), sometimes a NPE is thrown.

``` Java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
    public void onEntityKilled(EntityDeathEvent event) {
        if (!event.getEntity().getEntitySpawnReason().equals(CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.CUSTOM))
        var id = event.getEntity().getPersistentDataContainer().get(idKey(),PersistentDataType.INTEGER);
        if (id != null) {
            if (event.getEntity() instanceof Mob mob) {

Plugin and Datapack List

I don't think it's related to the bug but I've a Custom Core Plugin the
one where logs above came from, and other publics plugins :
Plugins (8): Chunky, FreedomChat, LuckPerms, PL-Hide, MyCustomPlugin,
spark, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
Paper version

This server is running Paper version git-Paper-380 (MC: 1.19.3)
(Implementing API version 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 0ed4b91
Code bellow use the last paper version

It seems that since the Spigot fix, in the ServerLevel
class, for entities which are teleported. The SpawnReason is passed as null
while before it was with the CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.DEFAULT value.

public void addDuringTeleport(Entity entity) {
        // CraftBukkit start
        // SPIGOT-6415: Don't call spawn event for entities which travel trough worlds,
        // since it is only an implementation detail, that a new entity is created when
        // they are traveling between worlds.
        this.addDuringTeleport(entity, null); <-- Here is the Spigot change

    public void addDuringTeleport(Entity entity, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason reason) {
        this.addEntity(entity, reason);
        // CraftBukkit end

When we look at the ServerLevel#addEntity(Entity entity,
CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason spawnReason) a check is done for the
Nullability of the SpawnReason:
if (entity.spawnReason == null) entity.spawnReason = spawnReason; // Paper
But the spawnReason could be null since the fix.

// CraftBukkit start
    private boolean addEntity(Entity entity, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason spawnReason) {
        org.spigotmc.AsyncCatcher.catchOp("entity add"); // Spigot
        // Paper start
        if (entity.valid) {
            MinecraftServer.LOGGER.error("Attempted Double World add on " + entity, new Throwable());

            if (DEBUG_ENTITIES) {
                Throwable thr = entity.addedToWorldStack;
                if (thr == null) {
                    MinecraftServer.LOGGER.error("Double add entity has no add stacktrace");
                } else {
                    MinecraftServer.LOGGER.error("Double add stacktrace: ", thr);
            return true;
        // Paper end
        if (entity.spawnReason == null) entity.spawnReason = spawnReason; // Paper
        if (entity.isRemoved()) {
            // Paper start
            if (DEBUG_ENTITIES) {
                io.papermc.paper.util.TraceUtil.dumpTraceForThread("Tried to add entity " + entity + " but it was marked as removed already"); // CraftBukkit
            // Paper end
            // WorldServer.LOGGER.warn("Tried to add entity {} but it was marked as removed already", EntityTypes.getKey(entity.getType())); // CraftBukkit
            return false;
        } else {
            if (entity instanceof itemEntity && itemEntity.getItem().isEmpty()) return false; // Paper - Prevent empty items from being added
            // Paper start - capture all item additions to the world
            if (captureDrops != null && entity instanceof {
                captureDrops.add(( entity);
                return true;
            // Paper end
            // SPIGOT-6415: Don't call spawn event when reason is null. For example when an entity teleports to a new world.
            if (spawnReason != null && !CraftEventFactory.doEntityAddEventCalling(this, entity, spawnReason)) {
                return false;
            // CraftBukkit end

            return this.entityLookup.addNewEntity(entity); // Paper - rewrite chunk system

From what I've found it look to be the only place where a null value is
passed, and that's a breaking change for plugin developper. I think two
solutions can be applied :

   - All the concerned methods annoted as @NotNull should be annoted as
   - Or adapt the fix with something like that maybe ?

// CraftBukkit start
    private boolean addEntity(Entity entity, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason spawnReason) {
        org.spigotmc.AsyncCatcher.catchOp("entity add"); // Spigot
        // Paper start
        if (entity.valid) {
            MinecraftServer.LOGGER.error("Attempted Double World add on " + entity, new Throwable());

            if (DEBUG_ENTITIES) {
                Throwable thr = entity.addedToWorldStack;
                if (thr == null) {
                    MinecraftServer.LOGGER.error("Double add entity has no add stacktrace");
                } else {
                    MinecraftServer.LOGGER.error("Double add stacktrace: ", thr);
            return true;
        // Paper end
        // Paper start - Since SPIGOT-6415 fix spawnReason may be null
        boolean callSpawnEvent = spawnReason != null;
        if (entity.spawnReason == null) {
            if (spawnReason == null) entity.spawnReason = CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.DEFAULT;
            else entity.spawnReason = spawnReason;
        // Paper end
        if (entity.isRemoved()) {
            // Paper start
            if (DEBUG_ENTITIES) {
                io.papermc.paper.util.TraceUtil.dumpTraceForThread("Tried to add entity " + entity + " but it was marked as removed already"); // CraftBukkit
            // Paper end
            // WorldServer.LOGGER.warn("Tried to add entity {} but it was marked as removed already", EntityTypes.getKey(entity.getType())); // CraftBukkit
            return false;
        } else {
            if (entity instanceof itemEntity && itemEntity.getItem().isEmpty()) return false; // Paper - Prevent empty items from being added
            // Paper start - capture all item additions to the world
            if (captureDrops != null && entity instanceof {
                captureDrops.add(( entity);
                return true;
            // Paper end
            // SPIGOT-6415: Don't call spawn event when reason is null. For example when an entity teleports to a new world.
            if (callSpawnEvent && !CraftEventFactory.doEntityAddEventCalling(this, entity, spawnReason)) { // Paper
                return false;
            // CraftBukkit end

            return this.entityLookup.addNewEntity(entity); // Paper - rewrite chunk system

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elmital commented 1 year ago

I've update the issue after more checks in my logs and tests. The issue of null value for SpawnReason apears only with new players until they disconnect a first time the SpawnReason is always set to null. To avoid to open a new useless PR I've made a proposal here to fix the issue waiting for your approval before doing it.

Machine-Maker commented 1 year ago

I was able to replicate the issue using your steps, and your solution looks fine. Feel free to open another PR.