PaperMC / Velocity

The modern, next-generation Minecraft server proxy.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.76k stars 617 forks source link

Can't transfer to Server with texture packs enabled #1139

Open Yannick7777 opened 10 months ago

Yannick7777 commented 10 months ago

How to reproduce:

  1. Set up velocity (I use 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8dcc7ee3-b294)) and two paper servers.
  2. (Server B) Add a texture pack with the file.
  3. Add server with with the add server button to the server selection.
  4. Click edit and disable Server Resource Packs.
  5. Join onto Server A.
  6. Transfer to Server B by typing /server name-of-server-b

Expected: You connect to server B.

Currently happening: You time out.

This bug needs to be fixed soon, because....

...switching between servers with a Bedrock client (GeyserMC) + having a Java Resource Pack installed doesn't work.

Forced hosts still work. Link to channel on GeyserMCs Discord, I posted lots of Logs there



[17:53:49 INFO]: [connected player] fearless_hunter_ (/xx.xx.xx.xx:52508) has connected
[17:53:49 INFO]: [server connection] fearless_hunter_ -> lobby has connected
[17:53:52 INFO]: [server connection] fearless_hunter_ -> main has connected
[17:53:52 INFO]: [server connection] fearless_hunter_ -> lobby has disconnected
[17:53:55 INFO]: [server connection] fearless_hunter_ -> lobby has connected
[17:53:55 INFO]: [server connection] fearless_hunter_ -> main has disconnected
[17:54:25 INFO]: [connected player] fearless_hunter_ (/xx.xx.xx.xx:52508) has disconnected: An internal error occurred in your connection.
[17:54:25 ERROR]: [connected player] fearless_hunter_ (/xx.xx.xx.xx:52508): read timed out
[17:54:25 INFO]: [server connection] fearless_hunter_ -> lobby has disconnected

Server B (Texture Pack enabled)

[17:53:49 INFO]: fearless_hunter_ joined the game
[17:53:49 INFO]: fearless_hunter_[/xx.xx.xx.xx:55650] logged in with entity id 32 at ([world]-29.69999998807907, -60.0, -3.300000011920929)
[17:53:52 INFO]: fearless_hunter_ lost connection: Disconnected
[17:53:52 INFO]: fearless_hunter_ left the game
[17:53:55 INFO]: UUID of player fearless_hunter_ is 3eb64407-451a-4f2a-8b7c-42f2a677c455
[17:54:25 INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@e93cf22[id=3eb64407-451a-4f2a-8b7c-42f2a677c455,name=fearless_hunter_,properties={textures=[Property[name=textures, value=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, signature=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]]}] lost connection: Disconnected
onebeastchris commented 10 months ago

The same bug can be replicated on a 1.20.2 Java edition client by disabling server resource packs.

Geyser declines all Java edition resource packs by default, unless they're set to required, then it accepts them.

CuteLittleSky commented 7 months ago

This issue can be reproduced in Minecraft version 1.20.4 ,Velocity version 358

4drian3d commented 7 months ago

After having tried several times, I have not been able to reproduce the bug in the latest version of Velocity, but I have been able to reproduce issue #1247. Could you give more details on how to reproduce this bug? I have followed the detailed steps and the player simply does not download or apply the server B pack when the server resource packs are denied

CuteLittleSky commented 7 months ago

After having tried several times, I have not been able to reproduce the bug in the latest version of Velocity, but I have been able to reproduce issue #1247. Could you give more details on how to reproduce this bug? I have followed the detailed steps and the player simply does not download or apply the server B pack when the server resource packs are denied

I recorded a video:

Main: this server have resource pack guaji: this server not have resource pack

When player from guaji to main,who refuse to accept resource packs will experience this issue

I used Chinese to record this video. I'm sorry if it bothers you.

4drian3d commented 7 months ago

I recorded a video:

Main: this server have resource pack guaji: this server not have resource pack

When player from guaji to main,who refuse to accept resource packs will experience this issue

The video is published as private, it cannot be viewed. The only way I could have a read timed out is to make the resource pack required and wait 30 seconds, which is a valid operation, but it is not declared as a way to reproduce this possible bug, so it should not be related

CuteLittleSky commented 7 months ago

I recorded a video: Main: this server have resource pack guaji: this server not have resource pack When player from guaji to main,who refuse to accept resource packs will experience this issue

The video is published as private, it cannot be viewed. The only way I could have a read timed out is to make the resource pack required and wait 30 seconds, which is a valid operation, but it is not declared as a way to reproduce this possible bug, so it should not be related

Now you can watch it