I have a 1.21.3 fabric server that can be successfully connected through the velocity cluster (with ViaVersion-5.1.1and ViaBackwards-5.1.1 plugins installed) in versions 1.20.2-1.21.x, but cannot be connected to versions below 1.20.1 (I have tried each version one by one).
I have also just installed ViaFabric-0.4.16+88-main and ViaBackwards-5.1.1 on the 1.21.3 fabric server. When I directly connect to it through 1.20.1 client, it works well. However, when I tried to connect to it through Velocity, it failed.
So I think this may be an issue with Velocity.
Server logs:
1.21.3 fabric server:
[19:44:08] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@25573cb2[id=8b374582-519f-33c3-9f82-ff37e76415a6,name=Cavalry084,properties={textures=[Property[name=textures, value=eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE3MzE3NTc0MTg5NDYsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjhiMzc0NTgyNTE5ZjMzYzM5ZjgyZmYzN2U3NjQxNWE2IiwicHJvZml......] lost connection: Disconnected
[19:44:08 INFO]: [connected player] Cavalry084 (/x.x.x.x:0) has disconnected
[19:44:08 INFO]: [server connection] Cavalry084 -> lobby has disconnected
Client just say "连接中止", might be "Connection aborted"
Steps to Reproduce
a 1.21.3 fabric server that can be successfully connected through the velocity cluster (with ViaVersion-5.1.1and ViaBackwards-5.1.1 plugins installed) in versions 1.20.2-1.21.x, but cannot be connected to versions below 1.20.1 (I have tried each version one by one).
just installed ViaFabric-0.4.16+88-main and ViaBackwards-5.1.1 on the 1.21.3 fabric server. When I directly connect to it through 1.20.1 client, it works well. However, when I tried to connect to it through Velocity, it failed.
New case, when I use 1.21 version fabric server, I cannot connect to it through Velocity with ViaVersion-5.1.1and ViaBackwards-5.1.1 plugins installed on my 1.20.1 client too.
Expected Behavior
proxy backend servers properly
Actual Behavior
Server logs:
Client just say "连接中止", might be "Connection aborted"
Steps to Reproduce
Plugin List
Velocity Plugins: velocity, proxied-proxy, viaversion, viabackwards, viarewind Minecraft 1.21.3 with Fabric Loader 0.16.9:
Velocity Version
Velocity 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT (git-cefa3b27-b450)
Additional Information
No response