PaperMC / Waterfall

BungeeCord fork that aims to improve performance and stability.
MIT License
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using ipv6 in waterfall config #811

Closed adelando closed 11 months ago

adelando commented 11 months ago


Im trying to use an ipv6 address in the waterfall config file but it errors out in console.

I have a test bed paper server that can only port forward on ipv6, but waterfall cannot process the ":" in an ipv6 address

Seremptos commented 11 months ago

try writing it like that : "[youripv6address]" quotes included

adelando commented 11 months ago

thanks for your suggestion but this is the error i get now,

09.08 17:09:35 [Server] [WARN] Error occurred processing connection for LeftRightShift AnnotatedConnectException : connect(..) failed: Address family not supported by protocol: /[5678:1234:eeee:aaaa:0000:eeee:aaaa:xxxx]:25565 (IP redacted)

Im not using any extra protocol plugins on the proxy, even if i do i still get the same error.

MiniDigger commented 11 months ago

remove the [ ], lol

Janmm14 commented 11 months ago

but keep the quotes ", because yaml might not like the : unquoted

Nacioszeczek commented 11 months ago

IPv6 requires the brackets and quotes, address: "[IP]:port" would be the correct way, I'll be closing this issue now, if you need further help feel free to ask on our Discord.