Open TreemanKing opened 3 months ago
Version: 1.7.2 Paperweight Patcher
Just a basic paperweight fork project is missing specific classes when compiled using non-reobfuscated compiled jar servers.
I've tested this with a test plugin that checks for a certain class, in this case
try { Class.forName(""); getLogger().info("Class found"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { getLogger().severe("Class not found"); }
However, using non-reobfs, it works fine and a ClassNotFoundException doesn't occur.
Some things I've tried:
reobfPackagesToFix.addAll( "com.aikar.timings", "com.destroystokyo.paper", "com.mojang", "io.papermc.paper", "ca.spottedleaf", "net.kyori.adventure.bossbar", "net.minecraft", "org.bukkit.craftbukkit", "org.spigotmc" )
I've also asked on the paper discord in both build-tooling-help and paper-help but I was met with no replies.
Version: 1.7.2 Paperweight Patcher
Just a basic paperweight fork project is missing specific classes when compiled using non-reobfuscated compiled jar servers.
I've tested this with a test plugin that checks for a certain class, in this case
.However, using non-reobfs, it works fine and a ClassNotFoundException doesn't occur.
Some things I've tried:
I've also asked on the paper discord in both
but I was met with no replies.