Paperback-iOS / Tachiyomi-To-Paperbackup-Converter

Converts Tachiyomi backups to Paperback backup files
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[Question] Possibility of doing this client-side #1

Open arkon opened 3 years ago

arkon commented 3 years ago

Hey, I'm one of the Tachiyomi maintainers and I came across this when this PR was linked in the Tachiyomi Discord.

I only poked around the code a little, but I'm just curious why the approach of hosting a webapp for this was chosen? If it's just converting between some backup formats, this could probably done entirely client side in web workers.

ConradWeiser commented 3 years ago

There is no reason why this cannot be done completely clientside. It is currently a web-application because it was easier to develop with some templates I had laying around my system.

Paperback may have some adjustments to the backup schema coming up. Once this new schema is implemented properly, this tool will be updated with the capability to convert from paperback to tachiyomi backups.

After this is done, all of the typescript serverside will be consolidated into client-code so that the webserver can be removed from the equation. Worry not, that's eventually the plan!

Until then, the webserver will handle the transactions. The user shouldn't ever notice a difference from now to when it's transitioned later.

Context: I have no clue how Vue works. I'm not really a web developer. I just know enough to cobble things together. Once all of the typescript is written and validated, I figured it'd be easier to take out the expressjs endpoints and simply hook the functions up to a button.

This tool is technically a beta, and is useful for people who want to convert now. I wouldn't consider it a completed tool until Paperback supports library folders/tabs, as those sorts of things can also be converted between apps. There's still a ways to go with it's development.